Overcome Your Writer’s Block

If you are writing a lot of articles to help your online business succeed, you will be aware that it can be tough to avoid the ‘articles writer’s block

Consistency in producing articles is very important! If you are trying to brand yourself you want to be writing everyday if you can. Sometimes you just don’t feel like doing it, or worse still you simply run out of ideas.

Google loves websites that have new content added to them on a regular basis. I would advise that you are creating a new article every day if you want this to get the best results. By keeping up this daily routine Google will crawl your site a lot more often and you will see your content being indexed and ranked within the hour. You can check what Google has indexed on your site by using ‘site:”www.mywebsite.com”‘ in Google search.

Some sites will have to wait a few days for their new content to show up in Google, but by taking daily action you will have a significant edge against your competitors It’s worth regularly checking your Alexa ranking for your site. Although it’s not the most accurate measure it gives you a good idea. If you are taking daily action you will see an improvement in your score each week and maybe even every day! This is a real motivator for me.

Something you should do is keep tabs on the position of your website in the search engines for your chosen keywords. Just once a week is enough. As the weeks go by you will see your position move closer and closer to page 1, sometimes you will go straight in at page one. This is extremely motivating!

Just make sure that you get one article out every day, make it part of your daily routine. You might feel that you can’t write a good enough article that day, but just do it! You can always amend it later if you want to. Just choose a topic and write, even if you don’t do any keyword research.. Having a hard time thinking of what to write about? It’s not usually that difficult for me to find a topic to write about once I start researching Google for information relating to my market. One thing leads to another and I soon discover lots of ideas I can write about, try it for yourself.

Focus on why you want to write articles. It’s very important to keep focused on the bigger picture, three to six months down the line after consistent writing you will be getting a significant amount of traffic to your website which is going to put your business into success mode. Once your traffic is coming in take a holiday! Good articles will bring you regular traffic for a long time to come.

There’s a good old saying, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ You can liken your business online to this saying.

Short time pain for long term gain

Lets set a goal together to write one new good article everyday and watch our business grow.

Everytime you overcome writers block you take your business one step further to success. To get my free article marketing monster traffic training course and get over 10,000 visitors in 8 weeks, visit my Network Marketing success secrets personal blog.

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