More Information Concerning Sonic Mole Controls

We all like spending time outside in the garden. We are not fond however of vermin spoiling the fun. Thankfully with today’s technological advances, we can safely get rid of unwanted pests without using traps, pesticides or chemicals that can be harmful to humans, especially children and the elderly, and desirable wildlife by using ultrasonic devices, electronic yard fences or strobe lights.

These devices will help you eliminate unwelcome guests. Gophers, moles, squirrels, deer, cats, dogs and other animals that are not welcome will stay away and your conscience is clean because you haven’t hurt anyone at all. The animal’s ears will hurt once they hear the high frequency sound or vibration from these ultrasonic gadgets and when that happens, they will retreat. A friend of mine totally abhors the squirrels in her garden. Her house, her vegetation, her chairs on the deck – all ruined. She purchased an ultrasonic device and it worked great! At this point in time, my friend is satisfied. As to the squirrels, they get to live another day.

Gardens, plants and bushes will not be spared when gophers and moles attack the place. Not only do they destroy your lawn, but the mounds and surface tunnels create hazards related to tripping or twisting an ankle. Air shafts. That is what they are making. These rodents tunnel their way through that good-looking garden of yours to make air shafts for their homes underneath the ground. A stretch of several miles and 2 to 5 feet deep, that is how their tunnels measure. They are born to dig and will have up to 12 babies per litter. Their food intake is equivalent to their own body weight, so they don’t hibernate because their bodies won’t store fat. Around forty pounds of food is eaten by a mole in a year. It’s their way of life -dig, eat, dig eat. Plants need worms to ventilate the soil for their development. Now, moles hinder these developments by eating the worms. Plants are what the gophers eat, usually the roots and plant material.

Moles create meandering surface tunnels, while gophers rarely have surface tunnels – and when they do, they are straighter. Moles will make a small volcano like mound, and a gopher will make a more irregular, kidney bean shaped one. If you have a garden covered in healthy flourishing lawns, these creatures will be all over the place. Root of trees, grains, grasses, shrubs and vegetables in diversity are what moles and gophers usually eat on. They mostly like to eat lilies, irises, tulips, carrots, peas and beans. Although moles prefer and will mostly feed on grubs, worms and insects, they will munch on plant materials. However, gophers like it better if the plant material is tender. Do you know that gophers, moles, voles, chipmunks and woodchucks are highly intellectual beings? We know them as masters of escape – from traps, baits and poisons.

You don’t have to wonder on who the culprit is that destroyed your garden. If you see mounds and tunnels, then you have a gopher or mole in your midst. Anything that is living, I value their existence by not taking it away from them. The spiders at home, I transfer them outside, the snakes in the garden, I put them near the lake (Yes I know, I am one of THOSE persons.) Since I don’t advocate killing, try the ultrasonic device in the market. It’s a much safer alternative.

Perhaps it is time you acquire your personal sonic mole control products. At Safe Home, you are able to buy all types of sonic mole control available.

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