Being In The Moment

Being in the moment is about releasing everything, the purpose of this being that you then exist with nothing pulling at you. Therefore, there is openness, a clear space to be with no ulterior distractions.  No pull forward or backward, but simply being present with where you are.  There are many levels to this and even more ways to look at it.  But the simplest approach is to be with an open heart and open mind, and then you are free to feel and think where you are.  Can you imagine existing with no constraints, simply breathing and being fully present, therefore fully engaged in life?  It is a new way of living, free from so much.

So much emotional turmoil is brought up daily and it has almost nothing to do with the moment you are in. And the mind, the mind wanders so much and works so hard, yet it rarely stops to take in the exact moment you are in.  It is like the mind and heart see that exact moment as only a train stop on a long journey.  We barely pay attention to the stop because we are too busy thinking about where we are going or where we’ve just been.  We are absent from the moment we really are in- missing what is happening, not feeling it, and not enjoying it.  In truth, we can go on like this for days, simply not being present unless there is an absolute need.   We might check in mentally and emotionally until the crisis is over but then the train leaves the station, the moment, again.

Your mind and heart do not form a runaway out of control train. We are the conductor and we are in charge, not just a ticket holder, although we like to think that at times.  Can you imagine how many times you’ve not been aware of a stop, how many moments have you missed?  Is it worth it, even for the smallest amount of time, to be absent from your own life?

This is only the beginning, by allowing yourself to stay engaged there comes an abundance of peace and understanding. You are where you should be not off exploring the caboose or some other part of your journey that is over or hasn’t even started yet. To remain in the moment is to have the desire to be there and it is also allowing yourself to release the constant demands you place on your heart and mind.  It is freeing to release all that pressure we place on ourselves.  It can be done, we can all exist as we should be, present, engaged, and at one with were we should be, exactly where we are.

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