Moonstone-The Dream Stone

Moonstone is a lovely gem which belongs to the mineral feldspar. It is a semi precious, transparent to translucent gemstone. Moonstone is also known as Selenite. It owes its name to the moon like sheen it possesses. Its hardness is 6-6.5 on the Moh’s scale.


Moonstone are available in a variety of colours, such as milky white, brown, orange, yellow, peach, red, green, grey, and pink and blue. Rainbow moonstone is one of the most stunning varieties of moonstone whose colour range from milky white to gray and a rainbow like shimmer which attracts attention. This shimmering stone appears different whenever the stone moves. This phenomenon is called adularescence, which is a unique play of light.


Moonstone can be found in India, Brazil, Madagascar, Germany, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Mexico, the US, and Tanzania.

Types :

There are two moonstone- Adularia moonstone and Albite moonstone.


Moonstone is a rich stone historically. It has been used in jewellery since centuries. It was also a popular stone with the jewellers of Art Nouveau. Romans believed that it was formed from the moonlight and thus was considered as sacred. It was first mined over 6000 years ago. Moonstone was also used for medicinal purpose in ancient times. It is still considered as a sacred gem in India. It was also considered as a stone that could help to predict the future. This stone was also believed to be connected with t Neptune and Venus during the middle ages. The moonstone was also used by travellers for protection.


Moonstone is an affordable gem. Its affordability, brilliant colours, striking appearance makes this as a popular one to be used in jewellery. Moonstone rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants and necklaces set in gold or silver looks lovely and can add charm to any ensemble. The vibrant and versatile jewellery accessories made of moonstone is a great addition to any jewellery collection. Moonstone accessories should be stores separately as the stone get scratched easily due to its soft nature. It is the alternate birthstone for people born in the month of June and an anniversary stone for the 13th wedding anniversary.

Metaphysical and healing properties :

This gemstone is surrounded by a good deal of mystique and magic. It is regarded as a holy, magical gemstone in many cultures which bring the wearer beautiful visions at night. With its soft shimmer, it strengthens our emotional and subconscious aspects.

Moonstone is considered to be a feminine stone symbolizing love and passion. It is said to bring good luck to the wearer. It is a popular stone used for meditation and is also wore as an amulet for protection. This stone is also said to bring clarity of mind.

Moonstone is a beautiful stone desired by many for its colour and properties.

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