Creating a Blog “Out of the Box” with the UK Joomla Hosting Experts

Joomla is the most popular open source content management system available, so its no wonder that most people turn to it when they want to create a Web site or blog. Creating a well-developed and -designed blog involves more than the core of a system; You will need to add extensions in order to duplicate an effective blog. Here is a look at the proper elements of a blog and how it can be built from Joomla “out of the box.”

Flexible Layout

What you don’t want is a generic-looking blog (yeah, I’m looking at you Blogger). Joomla is the easiest CMS to “skin”, which means you create your blog to look like anything you want.

Browser-Based Editing

One of Joomla’s main features is to be able to maintain a site, and edit and publish content in a browser format.

Automated Publishing

With Joomla, you can publish content in one click. You can even schedule items to be published at a future time, while you are out of town or if you prefer to write your blog posts all in one day.


When you set up your Joomla site, create a section called “blog” to hold all categories. Then create categories as needed. The last step is to make a menu with links to each category.

Search Engine Optimized Titles

Install the OpenSEF extension and SEO’d titles are a three second job away with a URL redirect. You don’t have to mess with the .htaccess file, just keep an eye on your logs.

Comment Systems

JomComment is a comment component that works great. The front end is clean, has a robust CAPTCHA, and is easy to template. It comes with some extra features, like hiding the comment form with Ajax. The only downside to JomComment is that it costs money: $12.50 – very affordable and well worth the price.

Syndication Feeds

Joomla has built in RSS syndication, straight out of the box. However, it is only for your homepage. You will need to get the extension Run Digital RSS Feed Manager, for free, to post RSS feeds on all your interior pages.


Joomla has a very powerful search function built right in.

UK Joomla Hosting

As the official hosting provider for Joomla, Rochen is the most experienced and trusted UK Joomla hosting option available for any and all Joomla-powered websites. Their performance-tuned and purpose-built platform is seamlessly secured for websites who require specialized Joomla Hosting.

Whether you are starting your first or fiftieth blog, leverage the most powerful open source solution available for your powerful words: Joomla. Joomla run right out of the box at Rochen Performance Hosting without any configuration hassles or performance related problems. If you are looking for high quality, reliable and secure web hosting for your Joomla Web site or blog, Rochen is the answer.

Ethan Luke. uk joomla hosting – Easily install and manage your UK Joomla hosting account on Rochen Host, a web hosting leader for businesses and webmasters in the United Kingdom.

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