Even Newborn Babies Need Routine

Everybody knows that a grownup ought to sleep around 8 hours every night, but do you have any idea how much sleep your little one needs? Newborns up to the age of six months, needs to sleep at the very least 14 hours in a 24 hour day. That is a lot of sleep! Think about it, that is more than two thirds of a newborn’s entire day! Thirteen to 14 hours of sleep is adequate for little ones between the ages of 6 months and a year, while infants over a year old will wake up with a big giggle after at least twelve or thirteen hours in dreamland.

If you are battling to get your baby to nap, or if your little one wakes up two or three times a night, it’s likely you have to deal with an irritable, moody miserable baby. and you will also be very tired at the same time! Sleep is also essential for building strong immunity processes and a lack of sleep could also mean that your little one will have trouble fighting off common colds and other illnesses if not getting enough sleep. On that basis it is crucial to create a good sleeping routine as quickly as possible in your newborns life.

Routine is vital, even in the life of your newborn baby! It gives them a feeling of safety and belonging and plays a very important role in a restful night! It does not matter what you decide to incorporate as part of your ritual, as long as you do the same thing night after night your infant will soon react favorably to this routine. You can for example start with giving your little one a bath, followed by a lullaby and a calming “baby talk”.

You can even add a “personal item” as part of your routine. This can be in the form of a cuddly teddy bear, a favourite “blanky” or something similar. Once you begin with your evening ritual, make sure that you have this personal item at hand. Your infant will soon start to connect the blanket or cuddly toy with sleep time and a special connection to such an item can assist in relaxing your little one and getting them in “sleep mode”.

As stated previously earlier in this post, babies need routine. If you rock your little one to sleep every night in your arms, the little one will never learn how to fall asleep on his/her own. If your little one wakes up in the middle of the night and there are no rocking arms around them it will be difficult for the child to go to sleep again.
By establishing a sleeping routine early, your little one will get ample sleep and wake up with a big smile, ready to brighten up your day!

Download a MP3 to help baby sleep and read more articles on baby sleep by visiting the “Help Baby Sleep” website today!

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