Stress and Letting It Go

Stress is a learned behavior; it is holding onto something that bothers us, affects us, and imbalances us. We choose, in a way, to accept it and prolong it by holding onto it.  Stress was once a factor in our lives when we related it to fear, a response brought on by stimuli and a need to respond.  But in those times, we learned to relate stress to only those moments, as was needed, and then we soon let it go.  Now, we relate to most situations from a place of fear and therefore are stressed.  If we come instead from a place without fear, stress doesn’t find its way into the equation.

Stress can be brought on by the littlest of things, prolonged by our imaginations, thoughts, emotional patterns, and even our desires. Why do we do this; why behave in such a way that is so harmful and stifling to our happiness?  Because we often know no other way.  We believe life requires this; that there is a pattern and our behavior must match.  If we were stressed out at one time, then we must follow this pattern and repeat it because this is how it works.  When in reality there is no reason to compel ourselves to feel stressed.  It inhibits our responses; it slows us down.  Our actions are muddled by our thoughts and emotions.  Stress is a tool that is no longer truly beneficial or necessary, and yet we use it daily.

If you see stress as a method and not a program within you, then you can more wisely understand it. See it only as a response to the largest moments.  And within those kinds of moments, know that it only relates to those and is soon let go of.  For once the moment ceases, which it does, and once you have processed it, accepted it, and let it go, the stress also flows away.  It is us who keep it coming and present in our lives.  We hold onto it so that we can somehow better relate to the event.   The moment, even though it has passed, is still flowing within our minds and bodies.  We keep relating back to it and thus keep a hold of the stress.  So to release stress and this behavior, we must first realize that stress is unnecessary, and that by finally letting it go with the moment, you no longer need to carry it with you.  How often have you gone to bed still stressed about the day, woken up feeling the same although the moment has passed?   This could carry on for weeks, and with the addition of more stress being added, it is no wonder we live in this state.

We have the capability to release stress with the moment, so that we can move on. It is a choice and a learned behavior; therefore, it is just the same in the releasing of it.  Imagine in moments when you are aware of feeling stressed,  being able to say to yourself okay, I accept that, I see it for what it is, and now I will let it go.  It is as simple as this; we make it more complicated in our minds than we need to.  Stress doesn’t need to be an everyday occurrence in our lives.  Instead, when you feel it adjust your thought patterns, breathe deeply into it and see it for what it is.  It is a response to the moment; it is an elevated feeling of fear, an emotional and thought driven complication that is no longer required once it is realized.  When you understand this, it is easier to accept it for what it is, which is the only way to release it.  In the very moment it happens, see it, accept the moment, and then release it.  Do not carry it or the moment longer then you need to.  You will be better equipped to deal with whatever follows and you will feel lighter, happier, and more open.  Stress is a triggered response and once you see it this way, the behavior becomes false and unnecessary for you to fully live your life.  By letting it go as soon as you feel it and seeing it for what it is, you will find that the pattern tends to cease and you will become clearer in the moments that used to feel stressful.

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