Your Personal Holodeck

Each one of us thinks of this world as reality, the circumstances that surround our lives. It was difficult for me to understand the interplay between the mind and the outside world until my mentor Max talked about one of his favorite TV shows, Star Trek.

Those of you who are fans of the different Star Trek series may be familiar with the holodeck found on the starship Enterprise, as well as other starships and starbases. The holodeck is a simulated reality facility, where users actively interact with a program that creates a setting and characters through holographic projections in an enclosed space. The holodeck offers a variety of experiences preprogrammed by Starfleet, or sometimes created and programmed by the crew themselves.

Think about this for a moment. The description of the holodeck within a starship is very much like that of our own personal realities. First of all, our experience takes place in an enclosed room or box. Second, it is totally limited by its technology and programming. Third, our experience takes place in the first-person or subjective mode; this is the way most users experienced a holodeck in Star Trek. In a sense, the holodeck describes our individual realties, right?

Actually, this isn’t totally accurate. The truth is that our realities are more like the preprogrammed holograms within the holodeck. Each hologram is oblivious to the fact that it is part of a simulation or story being played out. It is totally unaware that there is a huge and powerful starship traveling through the universe outside the walls of the holodeck. These holograms just live their lives within the parameters created for them, interacting with other holograms via their programming, unable to control their actions beyond the permutations and combinations of the simulation. They do have some choices, but only within the confines of the program.

Now here’s an interesting notion. If the holodeck, or the holograms within it, is like your individual reality, then your experience within the holodeck represents the conscious part of your mind. It is like your conscious experiences. The starship housing the holodeck, on the other hand, represents your subconscious mind. It is the part of the holodeck from which the programming emanates-in other words, your belief systems.
Have you ever wondered who created the programming for the story the hologram carries out? The original architects, scientists, technicians, engineers, and builders of the starship did. Similarly, your reality was programmed by the architects of your life, such as your parents, teachers, friends, emotional experiences, and so on.

But here’s something interesting to consider. The captain of the starship has the authority to have any holodeck simulation reprogrammed. And you are that captain.

That’s right; it is you who can change the programming and limitations of the holodeck experience that is your life. But you can only do that if you first recognize that your life is a programmed story you are living out within an enclosed room or box, just like the holodeck. Once you make this connection, you can delete certain belief systems you’ve been running, or create brand new ones, if needed. Moreover, your reality can be enlarged to include experiences both on the starship and beyond its walls.

This is amazing; your tiny holodeck box, your present reality, has just now been expanded a thousand times, and you, the captain, can control your destiny. When Max explained this to me, I didn’t understand it at first, so he made me watch a few episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager. Halfway through the second episode, in which the holodeck was the focal point of the story, I finally got it. And when I got it, I was blown away by the similarities to my life.

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