Morning Sickness Causes and Home Remedies

‘Morning sickness’ or nausea gravidarum may be used to define the overall feeling of being unwell experienced by women in the initial months of pregnancy. It makes a woman feel dreadfully uncomfortable. It is the cumulative outcome of an enhanced sense of smell, excess stomach acids; turbulence felt in stomach, vertigo and increased fatigue. The patient also feels extremely nauseous and may be subject to bouts of vomiting. Too much of vomiting may lead to complications like dehydration, malnutrition etc.

It cannot prove harmful for the baby unless the expecting mother loses weight severely due to excessive vomiting. Thankfully for the majority, nausea gravidarum tides over by the end of the third month of pregnancy. A woman mostly suffers from nausea gravidarum early in the morning; but symptoms may be present at day time even. The causes or triggering factors of nausea gravidarum may be listed as follows:

1. Rapid increase in estrogen levels
2. Hormonal fluctuations
3. Rapid rise and fall in blood glucose levels
4. Strong odor
5. Vitamin B deficiency
6. Sensitive gastrointestinal tract
7. Stress
8. Certain food items
9. Traveling
10. Fatigue.

Home Remedies

1. Taking 3-4 cups of ginger tea or any ginger supplement daily eases the discomfort caused by morning sickness.

2. Mix 1 teaspoon lime juice and 1 teaspoon mint juice and take the mixture along with 1 tablespoon sugar. This relieves nausea gravidarum.

3. Dissolve 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar in glassful cold water and drink before going to bed at night. This is an effective home remedy for morning sickness.

4. Mix wheat germ in to warm milk and take a teaspoon after every 1 hour. This is a useful morning sickness remedy.

5. Extract juice of 20-25 curry leaves. Mix 1 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoon fresh lime juice in to juice obtained from curry leaves. Take the mixture thrice a day to get cured of morning sickness.

6. Put three drops of lavender oil and one drop of peppermint oil in to a diffuser and spray in your room to make the surrounding air fragrant. This helps to fight morning sickness.

7. Consume the easily digestible unsalted crackers immediately after waking up in the morning. This calms your stomach and alleviates nausea gravidarum.

8. Keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water and juices. This keeps the stomach steady and helps to combat nausea gravidarum.

9. Do not overeat because that will unsettle your stomach and exacerbate morning sickness.

10. Feast on frozen fruit bars or any other frozen treat. This helps to beat nausea.

11. Breathe in plenty of fresh air. This cures nausea gravidarum.

12. Take ample rest.

13. Avoid fried, fatty foods.

14. Follow the needs of your stomach and act accordingly.

Read more Home Remedies for Morning Sickness. Also know useful Home Remedies for Mumps.

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