How to Improve Your Baby’s Skin Care Routine

Many parents assume that they do not need to do anything to keep their baby’s skin clean and healthy. These parents seem to think that a baby just naturally fights off skin conditions and acne. After all, babies haven’t hit puberty yet so they must not have to worry about puberty-related skin conditions. The truth is that a baby’s skin does need special care to stay clear and healthy.

This is why you need to establish a regular skin care routine as soon as your baby is born. The sooner you start taking care of your baby’s skin (and teaching him or her how important it is to take good care of his or her skin), the better able your child will be later on to fight acne and other issues. Here are some tips and tricks to help you put together your baby’s skin care regimen.

Daily baths are not required for newborns and very young infants. Most infants don’t get very dirty early on in life. They stay so clean because they cannot move around on their own. This means that parents can keep an eye out for things that will get the baby dirty or that could harm the baby’s skin. While your baby is still considered a “newborn” he or she only needs to be given a bath twice a week or so (as long as you keep his or her face free of dirt). Bathtime happens more often when the baby becomes mobile and get can around without a parent’s help.

Use a gentle detergent on your baby’s clothes–do not use the detergent you use on your own. The detergent you use on your clothing is often too harsh for use on baby’s clothes. Regular laundry soaps can leave behind a residue and make your baby’s clothes rough and irritating. Washing your baby’s clothing in a gentle detergent keeps the clothing soft and (mostly) residue free, which can help you avoid skin irritations that are caused by clothing problems.

A newborn baby needs specific types of skin care products. Just because a product is safe for babies over six months (or toddlers) does not mean that is necessarily safe for a newborn. A newborn baby’s skin is still developing and learning to deal with life outside of Mom’s womb. It is extra sensitive and more prone to irritation than the skin of older babies and toddlers. When you go shopping double check to make sure that the products are meant for newborns. The key to baby skin care is to remember the basics of keeping your skin clean. You don’t need to do anything involved or complicated to keep your son or daughter’s skin clean and healthy. Adult products are not appropriate for a baby, in fact, they only really need very basic products to achieve visible results. Don’t use your baby as a lab mouse with these products because they aren’t made for babies. Practice common sense when it comes to your baby’s skin care routine. Remember, there is no need to overcomplicate something that is not complicated to begin with.

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