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Super Bowl XLIII, the league’s championship game was held at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida on February 1, 2009. The united states of america Football meeting (AFC) champions, Pittsburgh Steelers won versus the nationwide Football meeting (NFC) champions, Arizona Cardinals (27–23) to come to be the 2008 nfl womens jerseys champions. to the Steelers, this was their 6th very Bowl win. with this particular victory, the Steelers made a file to fundamentally the most very Bowl wins.

Things did not go as predicted

Just like the earlier seasons, nothing went as predicted from the NFL. It had injuries, upsets, dominance and disappointments.

Even though the Arizona Cardinals had been ranked provided the facts that worst group in their division (NFC West) they are doing acquire their division (and their very first division name provided that 1975).mlb all star game 2011 in accordance to experts, the Cardinals won it by default. The made three immediate hard games and won their very first very Bowl look in franchise history.

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