Learn How to Build a Tesla Generator

Way back in the year 1934, Nikola Tesla, the genius invented the first Tesla generator. He revealed that he had found an innovative way of harnessing cosmic rays and using could operate a motive device. This had led to a lot of negative reactions from some of the bigger players and they tried to stop funding for this invention. In the past, the concept behind the Tesla generator was considered to be a sophisticated technology, which has now become an easier means of implementation. Now it is possible to learn how to build a Tesla generator with some of the Tesla generator plans available.

Setting up the Tesla generator can be relatively simple and quite fast. Therefore, there is no reason why people should not consider this alternate source of energy today. There has been a steady demand for better and alternative sources of energy, and this demand has been rising. People have now discovered the real value of installing an energy saving system at home for generating free electricity. Not only is the Tesla generator a source of free electricity, but there are several reasons it is environmentally friendly, one being the fact that is has been proven to produce no emissions.

Before trying to make a Tesla generator, it is important to know how the idea was conceived and developed. Tesla alleged that this creation uses the energy source that operates our universe. This suggests that “zero point technology” is in making these generators. The Tesla generator can be used to power any type of electrical devices, such as refrigerators, small clocks, cell phones, LCD TVs and plasma TVs too. In some places like deep forests or mountains where electricity is not found, the Tesla generator can be used as a source of driving power.

In order to learn how to build a Tesla generator, it is important to note down the basic requirements. Even for the smallest Tesla generator, the basic requirement would be 4 Germanium diodes (1N34), 2 100 microF 50V electrolytic capacitors and 0.2 microF 50 V ceramic capacitors. Using these, it would be possible to create an adaptable and powerful Tesla generator that can bring in the source of alternative energy to a home.

There are many benefits of building Tesla generator at home. First of all, it costs approximately $100 to build the entire set up, gather materials, spare parts and other essentials. The entire generator is weatherproof; so even if it is raining or it is hot and humid outside, the device would not have any problems in operating. No expensive batteries are required for storing electricity.

Building the generator is quite easy and involves simple steps that are narrated in the package. Lastly, the device is environment friendly and GREEN – it ensures no radiation, no fumes, no emissions and is eco-friendly.

It is important to learn how to build a Tesla generator properly as this Tesla generator helps in reducing the electricity bill by 30%.

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