How to Decide Which Hair Loss Solution to Use

It’s never fun losing your hair and going bald but, thankfully, there are now two hair loss solutions that have been approved by the US government. I’m talking about the chemicals minoxidil and finasteride. They aren’t some scam. They really do work. However, there are considerable differences between the two chemicals.

Finasteride is a powerful chemical that you need a prescription for. There was a 5-year study conducted which showed that 48% of men treated with finasteride experienced some regrowth of hair. Forty two percent didn’t experience regrowth, but reported no further hair loss.

However, women cannot use finasteride, or even touch it, especially if they are or may potentially be pregnant. That’s because finasterside may cause abnormalities in a male baby’s sex organs.

Actually, there are sexual side effects suffered from some men who use finasteride, such as erectile dysfunction. Some users claim these side effects continue even after they stop taking the drug. Other side effects include depression.

Minoxidil, on the other hand, doesn’t have such negative side effects. In fact, there are many lines of minoxidil products that are specifically made for women. There is no prescription needed to buy minoxidil either. Minoxidil can, however, cause an uncomfortably itchy and flaking scalp. Some very popular products that contain minoxidil also mix in powerful moisturizers to prevent this drying of the scalp.

Some minoxidil products, such as Provillus, also come with a dietary supplement, or pill, that is packed with vitamins, minerals, and herbs that many believe are very important for full healthy hair growth. For example, some hair loss information studies have shown that the herb saw palmetto can block an enzyme (5-alpha-reductase) that allows testosterone from being converted to dihydrotestosterone, which is known to contribute to male and female balding.

Minoxidil must be applied to the scalp twice a day. If you stop using it your hair loss will resume. Also, it’s very important to be patient. It takes quite a while for minoxidil to work. You might even notice some additional hair loss in the beginning. This is known as “shedding” and it’s perfectly normal. It means you’re losing your thin, weak hair. This will be replaced by thicker, healthier hair.

Most importantly, don’t wait till you’re practically bald before you start using minoxidil. Minoxidil can grow some hair back, but there are limitations. Once a hair follicle is dead there’s no bringing it back to life. So start thinking about using minoxidil once you notice your hair falling out.

Learn which hair loss solutions are the most cost effective at the Provillus website.

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