Fund Manager Ideas

1. Hope is a terrible investment strategy. Most investors dream about the best case scenario of what will happen with their investments. For example, they imagine that their beloved biotech stock will get FDA approval for a new blockbuster drugand that a major pharmaceutical company will buy them out. In turn, all of the shareholders get rich and investors often imagine spending these great riches.

2. It is important to determine whether your investment is an investment at all. In other words did you buy an asset with an intention to receive some form of income? Or did you buy an asset because you believe the asset will be higher in price due to some government created distortion in the marketplace. There is a difference between an investor and a speculator and most people do not know whether they are investing or simply speculating.

3. It is doubtful that we will see hyperinflation. Investors should brace themselves for inflation rather than hyperinflation. The reason being that hyperinflation of a major currency such as the U.S. dollar is a rare occurrence.

4. The most important phrase is in the investment world is: “I don’t know.” False or incomplete knowledge is the most dangerous type of knowledge. The default answer to every question should be “I don’t know.”

5 . When it comes to investing the devil is in the details. You can have a tremendous leg up on most investors by simply reading the annual report of companies that you follow.

6. It’s very important to have conviction in the investment business as the market is always trying to trick you. Of course, you also have to be flexible enough to say that you might be wrong – at least when it comes to timing (when you are speculating). It’s also important to learn how to manage your own psychology, so you don’t help defeat yourself. We all have weaknesses we need to manage around.

7. To be successful at speculating or investing, one needs conviction (though one has to learn to be flexible as well — a tricky combination). The reason you need conviction is so that you can withstand the bone-jarring corrections that are what we must deal with.

8. Human emotions are always the worst right when the market is ready to turn…both directions. Important highs and lows are created by emotional reactions to what has been taking place…not due to some rational analysis. It’s why the ends of moves are always so wild.

9. It is important to know what investing environment you are in. For example, in the 1980’s buy and hold value investing was successful. However, in the first decade of this millennium, it has been far more prudent to be a macroeconomic investor.  Let’s face it, moves by the Central banks have been more important than company balance sheets over the last decade.

10. Most investors confuse relevant news with noise. Traders sit glued to their monitors and monitor every news headline and dissect its significance. The fact of the matter is that every move in a market doesn’t mean something; lots of times it’s just noise.


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