Make the Most of your holidays with Luxury Fiji Resorts

There are plenty of exotic places to visit in the beautiful south pacific island of Fiji. Dazzling beaches are plentiful; there are uninhabited islands to get lost on; and others where verdant tropical rainforest tumble into the deep blue ocean. And the elegant resorts of these remote land masses make them even more appealing for a holiday: you can stay in beautifully equipped private thatch huts tucked under swaying coconut trees on the very edge of the beach just like Robinson Crusoe.

Fiji resorts are especially famous for the friendliness of the resort staff. Greetings of “Bula” are exchanged between guests and staff when passing, tales are exchanged over sunset cocktails mixed with expertise using local rum and the kids are well looked after, playing rugby on the beach, having their hair braided and faces painted, and learning to weave coconut fronds into baskets as well as the hula dance. Food is sumptuous too. An abundance of seasonal fruit fills the breakfast platters whilst fresh fish from the lagoon is caught in the early morning and served for lunch – try the specialty Kokoda, a lagoon fish marinated in lime juice and mixed with freshly grated coconut cream. Island style buffet feasts consisting of pig on the spit and local vegetables are held at least once a week accompanied by traditional singing and dancing performed by the resort staff.

Most Fiji accommodation have sun loungers lining the beachfront, complimentary kayaks for paddling around the lagoon and snorkeling equipment – often there’s great snorkeling right off the beach and boat trips to experience the outer reef are organized most days. Other common resort activities include scuba diving, game fishing, island-hopping and jet-ski excursions. A good luxury resort not only offers world class accommodation but they also provide daily room service, sundown and complimentary internet access. Groups often hire resorts for organizing special events like weddings, anniversaries and business incentives or motivation.

Resorts are generally very private with large landscaped grounds. Local materials are used extensively and rarely do you find ugly hotel cement blocks – in any case, no building rises higher than the surrounding coconut trees ensuring an ambient natural atmosphere. A few resorts boast private golf courses and most have guided walks through the tropical forests to hilltops with stunning views over the lagoon. Most of the high end Fiji resort offers their guests with therapeutic spa services utilizing a mix of Fijian and Western massage techniques and local oils. The high end boutique resorts are exceptional for honeymoon couples and some even have a no children policy at certain times of the year to ensure an absolute romantic atmosphere.

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