Imagine for a moment you have a book that tells you everything you need to know about the world wide web, how to write copy and craft the perfect Sales Letter. It tells you absolutely everything. You spend hours reading it, your heart pounds, the excitement builds in your chest until you’re about to burst. You can’t wait to try it out. So you hop on the computer and your fingers start flying. You get your website set up, put everything together just as the book said and wait. and wait.
And wait.
And wait.
What? Nothing happened. Why? The book told you it should.
Here’s the hard facts. Anything in print is already out of date even if it’s brand new! From the time it’s written to the date of publication is somewhere around 18 months. You’re still likely to get some gems but not everything will be the same.
The internet changes daily. So learning how to write for the web can be difficult, but some points never change.

? Tell a story – We are all creatures of emotion. You can put all the logic into your sales letter, give them a thousand points that should peak their interest, but until you reach them emotionally they aren’t going to buy. The guy who goes to buy a drill doesn’t want a drill. He wants a hole so he can hang the shelf to make his wife stop nagging him. See the difference. We’ve all heard the “he wants a hole”, but behind the hole is a reason for wanting that hole and that’s where the emotion lies. Reach into your prospect’s heart, find the emotion that motivates them. Why do they want your product? What problem will it solve? Craft your story around that.

? Style – What’s the difference between twirling a baton and twirling a baton set on fire? The fire of course. Which one would you rather watch? The fire spins over the tips leaving streaks of white against your eyes as you follow it. You hold your breath as it descends sure the twirler is going to be burned. They snatch it from the air, spin around, one leg over their head, the fire hovers right next to them, curling hairs with its heat. You’re riveted. A storm of applause rises as the twirler bows. Wouldn’t be so cool without the fire, would it? The difference – STYLE. Write with style, make your reader part of your world. They’ll want to join just to watch you spin the flames again.

? HEADLINE – I can’t stress this enough. You can have the best sales letter, the greatest tips, an outstanding product and none of it will matter one bit if your headline sucks.
1. Copywriting tips
2. 10 ways to set your sales letter on fire!
See the difference? Catch their attention, tell them the benefits. Your headlines can be much longer than this and learning about them in depth would be highly beneficial.

? Call to action – Almost as important as your headline is your call to action. You MUST tell them what to do and WHY. Tell them that and if you’ve done the story and headline right they will flock to you as the expert. They want someone they can relate to. Give them the credence they deserve and traffic will turn into sales.
For more hints and tips go to

From the headline to the call to action learn what’s needed to make your copy a hundred times better and make anything from the first sale to the millionth at

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