Good connections with people who have more experience.

The fastest way to learn, is to connect to someone who have more experience than us, this someone can be a teacher or sometime even a friend who happens to know more about a particular domain. People who gather a lot of knowledge are those that can raise the importance of others, in order to absorb their experiences. A mistake that we can make, is to miss an occasion to gather knowledge because we do not consider the other enough in order to extract the good they have to offer, a greater mistake that we can make, is to try to harm someone else out of fear, jealousy or greed. A person can put in one book, the experience of a lifetime and that same book can be read in 2 days, getting knowledge from other people save us a lot of time, rather than take 20 years of trial and error, it is better to get the experience from someone else who already went thru these trials and errors and build from there.

Let’s say that we know someone who is doing good in some field and we try to harm that person out of jealousy, the lost that can result from that is enormous, we risk to remove a great source of knowledge out of our environment. If on the other hand, we know how to raise the importance of the other in order to learn, we gain a constant source of knowledge. Underestimating the others out of discrimination is a common mistake, the ability to see what the other has to offer outside of our own little world and beliefs is a great one. Some people think that they are criticizing others, when in fact they are just showing their own ignorance. Hence, it is important to have good connections with people who have more experience in order to move forward faster and in a positive manner.

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