The origin of the word “design”

The word design in the Russian language has appeared relatively recently. It came out of the Italian language and has many meanings. “Disegno” – is an idea, plan, intent, goal, drawing, sketch, model, pattern, the underlying scheme of the composition. For Internet the understanding of the design has a special meaning. In the rapid development of modern technologies, the concept of design has become a new, broader meaning and now refers not only to a single subject, but is the whole area, applicable to all areas of modern human activity. A practitioner of design (the designer) must have knowledge in many subjects, areas and skills to apply them in practice, projecting into the creative process of creating an image. We can confidently say that the design hannover – is a modern art of design, development patterns of rational construction of the environment of a subject.
The design originated in the early 20th century as a result of the spontaneous formation of visual and functional properties of the surrounding world.
In different cultures, design activities is known in different ways:
• Polish language uses an expression “wzornictwo przemyslowe”
• German language uses the term “formgebung”
• Russian language leaning to the following phrase: ” художественное конструирование ”
In 1959 as the international designation of the words and the meaning of “design” the term “industrial design” was adopted.
Design hannover aims to cover all aspects of the human environment, which is caused by industrial production.
The prerequisites for design art are:
• First of all, the natural human desire for beauty as well as the desire to translate new and more sophisticated images;
• economic benefits is a huge motivation for the development of the design.
A new stage of its development arose during the transition from manual to automated production. In order to use the newly invented products, they had to give it a certain look, which would attract buyers by the ways they look and modern design is successful and engaged in it. Now virtually no area of human activity is left, which would not be influenced by design. There are:
• Interior Design
• Fashion Design
• design of books
• Landscape Design
• product design
• Exhibition design, etc.
Recently, a very common type of design is a Web-design. And it is not surprising, since the development of products of Internet business is very convenient for the economic interests of various companies and implements the art of the designer. In addition, it is a relatively new direction in design, which increasingly requires the emergence of new specialists, and it is the “living” for a huge number of people.
But the history of design starts far before the creation of the Internet.

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