Turning negative relations into positive ones.

Many of us have heard this argument coming from children after a fight, “he or she started it”, some of us still carry that mentality in regard to our relations with other people in our adult life. These bad connections can go on in circle for a long time before we finally decide to be the adult and do something about it. Negative relations bring negative results, as simple than that, unfortunately, sometime, we are ready to face these negative results rather than been hurt in our pride. Positive relations bring positive results as well, therefore, putting our pride aside in order to turn a negative relation into a positive one is well worth it.

How to successfully turn a bad connection into a positive one?  This has to be done at the point of reaction, let’s say for example, we have a problem with someone that keep pushing our buttons in the wrong direction and every time we react in the same manner by getting mad at this person, if instead, we decide to do the opposite and react with a positive attitude (above our pride), then we can say that we have successfully turned a bad connections into a good one. However, this is not always possible, in such case, it is better to do nothing at all rather than nourish that connection with more negativity.

Positive relations leads to an happier life and prosperity, hence, it is important to find these points of reaction and invert them into something positive or at least do nothing at all, until we are strong enough to invert them. Our relations with others determine the course of our life, therefore, we should take all the opportunities that we have in order to lead these connections in a good direction, which in turn, will influence us back in a good manner.

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