What Is The Dept Of Homeland Security Doing?

Homeland Security or Homeland Insecurity

Does the US Department of Homeland Security Really Secure Anything or Does it Work Against the American People? Big Brother is Watching Us More Than We Think.

Many things came from that dreadful September day in 2001, the US Department of Homeland Security was just one amongst many. Terrorist’s attacks–or so we were told they were terrorists–were successful on U.S. soil and thousands of Americans died.

Parents were lost; brothers died; children became orphans; families were ripped apart. The sense of security that came with being a citizen of this country was taken, perhaps forever; the US Department of Homeland Security was created.

Never before had such an attack been carried out within the continental United States. Yes, there was Pearl Harbor, another American tragedy that resulted in the loss of thousands of lives, but it was a military installation separated from the bulk of the nation by an ocean.

Many questions arose about how something like this could have happened and why it was not stopped.

Homeland Security or Loss of More Freedom

After all, it would make sense that coordinating plane crashes into various targets at the same time of day would take years of planning, numerous people, and lots of discussion. Yet somehow the terrorists involved were able to train and do what was necessary to carry out their cowardly act.

In the days and months following the deadly attacks of September 11, there was much discussion as to why these terrorists were not discovered prior to these attacks and why weren’t they stopped.

Perhaps one of the problems was not a single agency was responsible for keeping the homeland safe.

In fact, there were over 100 government agencies that had some type of responsibility related to homeland security, but none with homeland security as its primary task.

It is no wonder than there was no single entity with enough information to see these attacks coming.

Dept of Homeland Security Collapses Freedom & Rights

In an attempt to learn from the mistakes of the past and to prevent another attack on American soil, the US Department of Homeland Security was created to be that one agency intended to ensure the homeland would be secure.

One has to wonder whether or not the terrorists considered the September 11 attacks a success. After all, they killed many of those darn infidels and disrupted the harmony in which the nation existed.

Many pundits would probably quickly answer no and refer to the response which the American government and public gave. The government went through the most intensive restructuring in years to improve and reinforce the sense of homeland security. Citizens were more than giving of their time, money, blood, etc.

Shortly after 9/11 this was all true. A look at the state of the nation now tells a different story.What began as the war against terrorism has bogged down into a never ending conflict without a reasonable and definitive end in sight.

Instead of being grateful for increased security at airports, more and more people complain about how long it takes to get through the lines.

US Dept of Homeland Security and Loss of Privacy

The US Department of Homeland Security is even coming up with an automated system for foreign nationals travelling into or out of the U.S. The Patriot Act has been a mess of controversy since it was implemented. More government wiretaps with little or no cause? Whatever happened to the right to privacy?

The government can even read emails that may appear suspicious. How do they differentiate the suspicious from the non-suspicious? More than likely they just read whatever they feel like in hopes of finding suspicious activity.

The US Department of Homeland Security may be keeping us more secure now, but we will not know how secure until the next serious attack is attempted. Maybe it has already happened and the general public does not know. Maybe the government is not telling the public in order not to incite mass hysteria or encourage hate crimes against Muslims.

Is the mass restructuring of the government doing a better job? Citizens of New Orleans would say a resounding NO!

Fast forward from September 2001 till 2009 and we see a United States that is much different. Distrust in the government is rather high with the massive failure to act in New Orleans after Katrina and the suspected unnecessary abuses of civil liberties prominent in the minds of the people. Citizens live in a state of perpetual fear, being told by the government that another attack is coming but they do not know where. Faith in government is down. Fear in the unknown is up.

The creation of the US Department of Homeland Security might just be the symbol of success terrorists worldwide were looking for and not the symbol of security a nation needs.

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