Why a Good Translation Service is Vital for Internet Retailers

An article about the need to reach out to consumers whose first language is not English, if your firm wishes to become a global concern.

Although citizens of English speaking countries are still responsible for a vast amount of online sales, over 60% of online turnover is now accounted for by people who speak another language. In order to capture their attention and stand the best chance of convincing them to make a purchase, Internet stores need to ensure that their sites can be rendered in a variety of languages at the press of a button. There are a number of free automated services online but the results that can be achieved with them are patchy at best and laughable at times. For this reason, it is worth looking for a professional service if your company is serious about globalisation.

History is littered with examples of faux pas that have been committed by people who relied on inadequately qualified translators, such as the American president who announced to a crowd of Poles that he desired them carnally, so it is important to make sure that any individual or company that offers a translation service is able to deliver on their promises. Some languages are undoubtedly more difficult than others are and contain many potential pitfalls for the unwary but this is why commercial organisations pay good money to experts, so there is no reason why your company should put up with shoddy work.

A good team will proofread all the documents that they have translated and double-check them for errors before forwarding them to their clients for approval. They should also make sure that they are aware of the tone of voice that their customers wish to use in any articles they write and adopt a style that is in keeping with the rest of the promotional literature distributed by their clients.

An online search will turn up numerous firms that offer their services to companies of all sizes and whilst all communication can be conducted via email these days, it is well worth picking up the phone for a chat if you have a lot of documents to be translated. It is easier to establish a rapport over the telephone and many people find that they can form a more accurate impression of whom they are dealing with when they can hear their voice.

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