Finding a DWI Attorney in Austin Texas

If you have been arrested for a DWI then you may face huge fines, the loss of your license and even jail time. If you have been arrested for a second time DWI it is possible that your rights may have been violated and you may be facing stiff penalties that you are unwilling to deal with. It is important to find a DWI Attorney in Austin that has experience in working on DWI cases and can help you sort through the miles of red tape and determine whether your case was handled properly as well as help you navigate the complicated legal system.

Penalties for a DWI can vary widely depending on whether it is your first time or it is a repeat offense, as well as whether you have injured anyone while you were driving your vehicle. Finding a lawyer that understands the DWI law and penalties is very important if you want to have your best chance of not spending any more time in jail than necessary. A DWI attorney in Austin understands all the finer points of the Texas DWI laws and other important aspects such as sobriety tests, blood alcohol limits, toxicology, psychology and much more.

Because your DWI attorney in Austin understands all of these aspects of your DWI case, he can go over you case and understand exactly what happen and be able to use these findings to create a defense for you. In many cases your DWI attorney may find that the arresting officer did not follow the correct procedure, perhaps because you had a previous DWI, he can use these facts to keep you out of jail and maybe even get your case dismissed altogether. A general lawyer does not possess this type of in depth knowledge about DWI and will not give you the same advantages that a DWI Attorney can give.

While your DWI lawyer will cost you extra money it may be money well spent if you can get your fines and jail time reduced. Finding a good DWI attorney in Austin takes a bit of effort on your part, it is very important that you take the time to make sure your attorney understands the law as it relates to DWIs and has a record of winning cases in this field. Do not be afraid to ask your attorney plenty of questions this is your life in the balance, if the attorney cannot answer the questions or does not want to, then move on, this is usually a sign of an attorney that does not have experience in this area.

Ask your DWI attorney from Austin about his record of DWI cases and what his percentage of favorable outcomes is; ask him to give you an overview of what he thinks your chances in your case are, all this information can give you a good overview of whether this particular attorney can help you.

Of you need a DWI attorney in Austin Texas, contact Steve Lee Law, he has extensive experience in DWI cases and can get you the best possible outcome for your case.

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