Fire Lights – The Different Ways in Which They Help Fire Rescue Personnel

The fire lights that are used in fire trucks have helped save the lives of innumerable people all over the world and also minimized damage to property. These lights serve as warning signals to alert everyone on the roads so they can make way for the fire truck to cruise through heavy traffic easily and reach the spot at the earliest.

Fire lights play a very important role during rescue missions and their effectiveness could make a huge difference. The equipment cannot afford to be same as other kinds of emergency lighting. They have to be specially designed to suit the conditions, while making it easy for the fire fighting volunteers to focus on their missions. These lights need to be compact and lightweight. If they are bulky, it would become very difficult for the fire rescue volunteers to carry them around with ease. The challenge is therefore to ensure that the fire lighting equipment retains all the attributes while still being portable.

You can go for ultra bright LED Fire lights which are highly reliable and provide penetrative and focused lighting. LEDs are rated to operate for 50,000 hours and they can certainly be relied upon during a crisis. 3 to 5 Watt LEDs providing around 70 – 100 lumens can be very effective during the rescue missions. The use of clear lenses also helps in producing focused lighting which could enhance visibility through smoke and haze. Deep dish, parabolic generators are therefore utilized by advanced fire lighting equipment. They generate beams which can be focused enough for long range visibility. Moreover, some of these lights use parabolic textured reflectors to make sure smooth beams with excellent illumination are produced. The luminosity is an important factor but at the same time, the beam temperature should be kept to a minimum.

When it comes to the design of the Fire lights it is not totally about the beams and the LED lighting alone. The fire lighting equipment should be lightweight so that it can be carried around easily. Usually a red polymer body is used as it provides sturdiness without increasing the weight of the equipment. Thermally efficient and high impact resistant plastic is also used in some scenarios, considering that the lighting equipment could be put to heavy duty usage. In fact, nylon polymer casings for the lights have great endurance and this is rigorously tested at the time of manufacture, to make sure that they offer extensive reliability.

The low profile design of the clamps or mounts provides an added advantage. The Fire lights can be carried with your hand but they also come with clamps that can be attached to both traditional and modern fire fighting personnel helmets. There are advanced flash lights which can actually rotate across 360-degrees if required. This will help in providing better visibility all around. Fire lighting equipment, besides providing focused beams, also has to provide sufficient side lighting. This can be achieved through the use of diffusing lenses that widen the beam significantly. You can also go for fire lighting fixtures that come with clamps or clips to be attached to your wrist or belt. Hands-free equipment helps in enhancing the efficiency of the fire rescue volunteers. You should also look for a warranty over the casing as well as the LED elements of the fire lighting equipment.

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