Who Has Time To Get Organized?

High gas rates, wedding gifts, graduation parties, July 4th picnics, activities, vacations. Who has enough time or cash to organize? YOU DO! Organizing doesn’t have to take everlastingly or cost money. Don’t believe me? Keep reading.

How much time do you have to organize? A half a day or whole day or a week would be fantastic, but most of us aren’t that lucky. If you would like to get organized as quickly as feasible, it is worth putting aside a large chunk of time to achieve that stress relief. To get twice as much carried out in the same quantity of time, enlist a friend, family member, or professional organizer (added bonus: experience, ideas, answers). If that considerably time is not a possibility (at least at the moment in time), then utilize pockets of time.

Do you watch TV, watch commercials, ride the bus, wait at the doctor’s office, take car trips, wash the laundry, arrive early for meetings, lie awake at night, and so on.? If that’s the case, take a reading file with you, sort a drawer, go through your magazines and catalogs, clean out the refrigerator, go through your CDs or videos, sift through your closet, clean off a shelf, or find something else small to organize that is quick and will provide you a sense of accomplishment.

Insufficient cash for a custom closet system, garage system, pantry, etc.? Go shopping, in your house. Do you have wood scraps from past projects? Make use of three pieces to build a free-standing shelf to much better make use of wasted shelf space. Are your hair accessories a jumble? Make use of a ribbon, old belt, or something equivalent that hangs to clip your barrettes and have them separated. You can also make use of an extra hanger to separate ribbons. Do you have random screw and nails? They make great hooks for light weight things. Are there empty baskets, containers, or shoe boxes? These can work as low-cost pull-out drawers. Do you want to find something in the junk drawer? Build drawer dividers with card board, wood, empty plastic containers, checkboxes, etc.

If I missed the area that is frustrating you the most, email or call for certain creative suggestions. If you would like quick, simple organizing solutions, let’s assist you to. Consultations are definitely free. If you want your organizing completed yesterday, call us for an extra set of hands, focus, and a wealth of suggestions and solutions. For your free consultation, questions, comments, speaking and training needs, tips, or gift certificates, please contact Jessica at organizedforyou@mchsi.com or 319-504-6689. Let me help you make each day like “a day at the beach”.

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