How To Be Happy Around Grumpy People

I’ve worked with my share of grumpy people, and I hate to say it but I have my share of grumpy family members. They are not pleasant to be around and they can drag you down into a grumpy state yourself if you don’t find a way to get out of their funk and be happy.

Grumpy people can make you feel bad – about yourself, about them, about life…about everything. They try to bring you down to their level because they don’t want to feel bad alone! That would be no fun; that would just be depressing. If you give them what they want then you can end up carrying that negative feeling around with you all day – and that can affect your happiness.

So how can you pull yourself out of their negative energy and be happy again? The following two techniques are really all you need to do. They should break the miserable person out of their negative mood, but if they don’t you will be free from their grumpy energy and be happy in your own.

Don’t Join in With Their Negative Conversation

They want you to agree that their neighbor is an idiot. They want you to agree that life sucks and nothing ever works out. And when you do you are adding to their miserable ‘power’ and draining your own happiness by lowering yourself to their misery.

A better thing to do is stop talking to them when they get into their negative funk. Don’t agree with them, don’t even respond. Without a reaction from you they will have no fire to keep going on with their negative words.

Be ready for them to get angry with you or to leave you by yourself because most of the time they will not be happy. But sometimes they may just change the topic to something more positive just so that they can interact with you. This is when you know that you have really won and you will quickly become even happier.

Choose To See Things Differently

Grumpy people have a grumpy point of view. They think the world is out to get them and that life is a bed of nails. If you buy into their theories then you may start to become miserable as well.

The way you view the world is chosen by you. Nobody convinces you that rain is a horrible thing – you choose to think that rain is horrible. So with that in mind you can choose to have a different opinion than them and be happy knowing that you have chosen a more positive opinion.

About the Author:

Kari writes for Manifest Connection, a personal growth blog focusing on the happiness and health of the mind, body, and soul.

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