GPU and Computer graphics technology – A hardware and software partnership

In computer systems, parallel processing is known as the processing of the programs instruction by dividing them among multiple processors or CPUs with the objective of running a program in less time. This is what it takes to define what is parallel processing. In the early stage of computer, only one program used to run at a time. An early form of parallel processing allowed the interleaved execution of both programs together. But now with the introduction of multiprogramming, multiple programs are submitted by the users where each was allowed to use the processor for a short time. Then came the massive parallel processing system. All these specific processing are done on parallel computing platform. These platforms features include a re-designed Visual Profiler with automated performance analysis, providing an easier path to application acceleration. They have a compiler based on the widely used LLVM open source compiler infrastructure and hundreds of new imaging and signal processing functions. CUDA is one such parallel processing platform.
For those who want to know what is CUDA, it can be said that it is a one such platform developed NVIDIA. It is designed to basically make it easier for computational researchers and engineers to advice their simulations and computational work by using GPUs. But for some may be another question arises that what is GPU. So for them it can be said that a graphics processing unit or GPU is a single chip processor that creates lightning effects and transformers objects every time a 3D scene is redrawn. These GPUs are mainly used for 3D applications. These are primarily mathematically intensive tasks, which otherwise would put quite a strain on the CPU or central processing unit. Lifting this kind of burden from the CPU frees up cycles that can be used for other jobs.
Companies are trying hard to innovate the next generation computing and graphics solutions at work, home and play. AMD is one of the very popular companies in the computer graphics technology. Their engineering efforts have resulted in timely qualification of new and drivers that ensures full compatibility while providing an optimal user experience. NVIDIA is another famous company which awakened the world to the power of computer graphics and the basics of computer graphics when it invented GPU almost a decade ago. It has consistently set new standards in visual computing with interactive graphics available on devices. It expertise in programmable GPU has led to breakthroughs in parallel processing which make supercomputing inexpensive and widely used.

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