5 Steps to Deal With a Tragedy


Everyone of us goes through a tragedy at one point of our lives. In our lifetimes, nothing is permanent, nothing is absolute, but change. Some of these changes we may consider as tragedies, events that we don’t want to ever face again, events that may alter our lives forever. But, how do we deal with it? What will make us see the brighter side of life again? Some of the tragedy quotes that I have encountered discusses the emotions that a tragedy leaves behind such as this




“The tragedy is not that love doesn’t last. The tragedy is the love that lasts.”




The question is, are we able to to move on and leave everything behind like it never happened? Or do we have to move on and wear all the scars we earned because of these sad events. We may consider the loss of a loved one, a natural disaster or even a break-up a tragedy. Tragedies that leave scars and pain all over our life and weakens our will to live. It is normal to feel pain, hate and worthlessness after a tragedy, that’s how humans react to situations that hurt. We may grieve over things that we can not undo, and turn them into things that will haunt us forever. Ultimately, the goal is not to totally forget the tragedy but to move on forward with a healed heart and a renewed spirit.

1. Talk about it – Remember that there are people who cares for you, you should talk to them voice out how you feel and how the tragedy has affected you. Seek help from a professional counselor or join a support group.

2. Acceptance – The tragedy already happened, you’ll have to accept this fact. You do not have the abilities to go back to in the past and change it. Think that you have a future to face and this is your chance to turn your life around.

3. Do what you enjoy – Your life does not have to end with the tragedy. Do the activities that you enjoy in the past. If you can’t find the same happiness you have felt before, do something else that would give you the happiness you deserve.

4. Take a break – Going back to work will not be easy, you have to assess your self first if you are ready to go back to work. You have to take your time, cause healing does. You can not force it into yourself, it has to come from within.

5. Make yourself Busy – If you do not have activities, chances are you will think of the tragedy and replay it in your head. The pain will go back, as if it just happened. Find activities that will keep you busy, love yourself and it will resonate around you.

Your life does not have to end with the tragedy, continue living and live your life to the fullest. Find peace in reading and I suggest that you read through some of these wishes quotes.

We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving, and we all have the power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing.




















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