The Inside Stuff of Car Alarm Systems

A typical alarm for car includes electronic sensors, sirens and remote activation system or car alarm remote. Its amazing to see how sophisticated and complex are the car alarm systems of today, but it’s even more amazing and horrifying that car thieves still find a way to get past these devices.

In its simplest form, car alarms systems are nothing but sensors that triggers a siren or alarm. However, today’s car alarms are much more sophisticated and include a range of switches, pressure sensors and motion detectors. You can have a personalized alarm for your car that is not standard and distinct from others.

Latest vehicle alarm systems have radio receivers for wireless control from a key fob and auxiliary battery in case of emergency. Also a computer control unit acts as the CPU of the system and is responsible for coordinating the functions of the sensors and sirens.

Advanced car alarms are fitted with a variety of sensors, including door sensors, shock sensors, window and pressure sensors, and motion and tilt sensors. Today’s ‘Fortress on Wheels’ have all this elaborate systems in place but the remarkable fact is that thieves still find a way to get away with stolen cars.

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