How To Easily Get An Expert Java Professional To Work Remotely From India With VirtualEmployee

IT outsourcing is today synonymous with India, a country that boasts one of the largest technical talent pools in the world. Java script development is one of the most commonly outsourced domains with Indian IT professionals much in demand for their experience, skills and fast turnaround times. However, zeroing in on the perfect outsourcing partner can take some effort. While websites offering the services of freelancers abound in cyberspace, they are not always suitable to handle long-term and high-end Java development projects. You want an expert from India, you want a professional to work remotely for you, but is it easy?

The answer is, most definitely, yes! How? By finding an outsourcing company that provides you with something more than a freelancer. One such vendor is VirtualEmployee, one of the leading outsourcing service providers in India, with an impressive client base that spans continents. Getting an expert Java professional to work for you is easy with this vendor.

1.Submit your job description

The first step is to submit the job description of the vacancy that you are looking to fill. This should include all the necessary details such as the experience, educational qualifications and domain expertise that your virtual employee should have.

2.Receive short-listed candidate resumes

On receiving your job description, the vendor’s recruitment team swings into action and starts searching for suitable resumes on the various job portals. It also posts advertisements inviting candidates to submit their resumes.

3.The vendor’s HR team conduct the first round of interviews

Selected candidates are called for the first round of screening which is face-to-face interviews with the HR executives. Your would-be Java employee may also be assigned written tests (set by you) to further test their skills and domain expertise. This round of interviews establishes the credibility of the candidate and only the ones that seem most suitable for you are then forwarded to you.

4.You conduct the second round of interviews

After receiving the feedback from the HR team, you further short-list the cream of the lot and convey your desire to interview those candidates. This critical phase of the recruitment process takes place with the aid of the most sophisticated communication technology that is also one of’s strongest assets – video conferencing. You and your prospective employee interact with each other from across a life-size screen in ‘real’ time, allowing you to gauge other essential non-verbal communication. Suddenly, the name gets a face and you feel more assured of actually seeing your candidate face to face.

5.Hire the suitable Java developer

Finally, after having sifted through the resumes, conducted resumes, you, and you alone, get to make the final decision of whether or not to hire. The unique recruitment model of has you involved in the hiring process right from the beginning. The vendor does not select the ideal candidate for you. That’s entirely your prerogative.

That’s not all. In case you are not fully satisfied with the quality of the candidates that you have interviewed,’s recruitment managers start sending you fresh resumes – all at no cost. Infact, you don’t have to pay till you actually hire someone!


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