Decorating Ideas to Give Your Bathroom a Makeover

The bathroom can really make or break a home. Get it right and it’s a feature that everyone will envy. Get it wrong and it can affect the whole feel of the house. As well as beautiful, bathrooms also need to be practical. So when it’s time for a bit of nterior decorating, it pays if we spend a bit of time thinking about how we really want to use the room.

Ideal Bathroom Colours

One of the first things we need to think about is the paint colours we’re going to use: we’ve all seen the avocado suites – a hangover from the 1970s – still hanging around in some homes. We all know that some colours look great in the shop or magazine, but do not necessarily work as well on our walls: it’s no fun having to paint over good money, poorly spent. Making bold colour choices can create a stunning impression in other rooms, but in the bathroom it’s always a good idea to keep it light and fresh. Ideally we want to create a warm, clean and calming atmosphere for all those relaxing deep baths we’re going to take when the decorating is done.

Calculating the Cost of Decorating a Bathroom

Giving a room a new lease of life doesn’t have to break the bank. Make the right choices and plan well: you’ll be amazed what you can do on a budget. One thing that really works is using a decorating calculator such as the one at Homebase to help you estimate how much paint or wallpaper you need in advance.
Of course, if a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing properly; but there are ways to achieve spectacular results without spending spectacular sums of money.

Bathroom DIY

Of course, the easiest way to save money when decorating is to do it yourself. Painting and decorating, particularly in the bathroom with all the pipes and fiddly bits, can be trickier than it looks. It helps to get a few decorating tips which will make things easier and could help avert a disaster.

When it comes to more specific skills, like bathroom tiling, you can still do it yourself but it pays to do plenty of research. If it’s really proving tough – and tiling can be, don’t worry about admitting defeat – get a professional to finish the job. It’ll definitely pay in the long run.

When it comes to tiles, choosing the right material, size and colour can have an amazing impact on the overall feel of the bathroom. Remember that the tiles are going on the wall permanently, so it is worth being 100 per cent sure of your choice: they really are not easy to change once they’re up there.
Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings

The single most important thing about decorating the bathroom is choosing the right fixtures and fittings. Baths come in many shapes and sizes but choose the right one and you can maximise space and still have the perfect tub for a nice long soak. Choosing the taps and other fittings is like putting the icing on the cake.

We all want and deserve to have a beautiful bathroom. The good news is that it’s easily within reach. With a little bit of hard work and some good colour choices we can all have the bathroom of our dreams, whatever its current state. Just make sure you don’t go for avocado.

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