Hard Drive Problems

Your hard drive or HDD is the internal storage in your computer that is used for holding files and documents and for generally allowing you to save items on your system. Without a hard drive you would be unable to save anything you did onto the computer and likewise you would be unable to retrieve it and to use again. This makes your hard drive a rather important part of your computer, and if you are having difficulties with it then it is paramount that you use a computer service in order to have it replaced or repaired.

But first, how do you know if you have a hard drive problem? Well as with any health issue or computer problem, there are various symptoms of hard drive problems to look out for that can warn you that your hard drive has packed in or is about to.

The first sign of trouble is a ‘clicking’ noise. Your hard disk is named so because it actually is a disk much like a CD drive and if this clicks and ticks as it spins around then this is an indicator that you have a problem. In a laptop they are often located toward the front of the computer, so try listening there for noise. If it’s a laptop you are having a problem with, then you can try gently squeezing that part of the computer which might cause the sound to change – a sure sign that the problem is indeed with your hard drive.

Another sign that your computer is having hard drive problems is that your computer freezes a lot. This will occur randomly when using programs and won’t have any pattern – in other words it won’t be every time you launch a programme necessarily. Make sure to eliminate other possible causes first though – for instance it may be that your computer is overheating. If leaving the computer for a while improves performance then this is an issue and you should get a replacement fan or liquid cooling system from a computer shop.

If you do suspect that your hard drive is causing your computer to freeze then you should as soon as possible back up all your data and take your laptop to a computer service. This is highly important, because if your hard drive completely breaks otherwise, you won’t be able to get the information back. You should back up your data anyway, but if you haven’t already you should definitely do so now. One or two important files can be backed up by simply sending them to yourself, but otherwise you should buy a portable hard drive from a computer shop, or you should try using an online file backup service.

Eventually if your hard drive completely gives in this will prevent your computer from loading at all. You will reach the loading screen and it will then freeze permanently as the computer is unable to read the data needed for your operating system off of the hard drive. This is then time to take your laptop in for repair. If you never experienced freezing then there’s a chance the hard drive is merely unseated and this can be fixed by a computer service. Otherwise you will need to replace the hard disk or just the computer.

If you begin to notice the signs of a faulty hard disk then it’s crucial that you get your computer seen by a computer service. For these services or to visit a computer shop to buy replacement parts, follow the links.

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