Popular Herbal Remedies For Curing Acne, Pimples?

Acne, pimples are a very common skin problem that strikes us at puberty. Though proliferation of acne is something quite common during puberty, for some people the problem persists lifelong. When there is a hormonal turmoil within our body, the oil glands become activated and secrete sebum or oil profusely. The sebum acts like a magnet for dirt and bacteria that mingles with dead skin cells, clogging skin pores and resulting in acne break-outs. It mainly breaks out on the face, chest, shoulders, neck and back. Acne or pimples cannot prove fatal to your health but too much acne if goes untreated may cause scarring of the skin making it look ugly. It can be of the following types: whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pimples or pustules, nodules and cyst.

The main causes of acne and pimples may be listed below:

1. Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy or menopause
2. Menstrual cycles
3. Intake of contraceptive pills
4. Usage of greasy cosmetics
5. Consumption of junk food
6. Environmental toxicity
7. Food allergies
8. Heredity

Your skin is the only organ that has to bear many types of ravages. Trying something synthetic or chemical on your skin may exacerbate acne problem. Therefore it is best to treat your skin with something natural. Herbal remedies can prove quite effective in healing acne and pimples. Here are some herbal remedies for curing acne:

1. Licorice root has anti-inflammatory properties that help in healing acne. Licorice reduces the production of toxins in the body and checks acne break-outs. Apply paste of licorice on the acne-affected regions daily.

2. Aloe Vera is one of the most popular herbal remedies for curing acne. The herb has antiseptic and anti-microbial properties that act on the acne-affected skin and ward off all infections. Application of Aloe on acne helps to get rid of it.

3. Olive leaf extracts are very harsh on acne bacteria. The anti-oxidative quality of olive leaf also erases acne scars. This is one of the best herbal remedies for curing pimples.

4. Tea tree oil is an effective herbal remedy for treating acne. The compound Terpenoid in tea tree oil is the main healing agent.

5. Red clover is a potent blood purifier. Thus it amazingly reduces acne break-outs. It is one of the effective herbal remedies for curing acne.

6. Lavender oil has great curative power. It destroys acne bacteria and reduces acne pain as well. But before using lavender oil on skin, remember to dilute it with grape seed oil.

So these are some effective herbal remedies for curing acne.

Read about Acne Herbal Treatment. Also know Herbal Blood Purifier.

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