Child custody, everything you need to know

Couples, precisely parents who undergo a divorce usually tend to face the dilemma of a trial for a child custody in Gilbertsville, PA. Well, here is all you need to know about a child custody. The parent who is granted with the physical custody is also given the responsibility to provide them with all their basic needs like transportation, food and clothing. The one who is given the legal custody of their child is expected to make all major decisions for their child’s life which makes a direct impact into their child’s life. Post the hearing, the parents must decide who gets the physical or legal custody of the child. There are also provisions where one parent can get the custody of the child. An arrangement can be reached where the parents can share a joint custody. Joint custody is nothing but, both parents sharing both the legal and physical custody of the child.

The parent with only the legal custody and no physical custody is granted visitation rights.. Visitation rights include a parent meeting their child in specified location with the permission of the parent with the physical rights. Child custody in Gilbertsville, PA, may allow them to spend a few days, weekends or overnights with their child. However, moving in with the parent who does not have physical custody would be considered illegal.

The decision of the child custody in Gilbertsville, PA, can be made by the parents themselves, but mostly the court steps in to take this decision because the parents find it difficult to make this decision by themselves. There are also times when the parents hire a mediator who negotiates the decision to meet the child’s best interests. The mediator is allowed to take sides of either of the parents but also the mediator is given the responsibility to give important information and helpful guidelines to meet the best solution. Mediation is the best arrangement because parents who are divorced or separated may not be able to agree with each other and hence, resulting in an inappropriate outcome.

The arrangement applies to parents who are not divorced but are legally separated too. The only difference of this arrangement is that after a legal separation, they are still legally married. Hence, they must choose which spouse would be granted the legal child custody in Gilbertsville, PA, and which will be granted with the visitation custody. Reaching the most suitable parenting plan is utmost important as children who have divorced or separated parents are the ones who mostly turn into juveniles and hence, a strong backbone is required to meet the child’s best interests.

Child custody Gilbertsville PA Boyd & Karver, Attorneys at Law offers legal support to families in Gilbertsville and the surrounding communities. Get in touch with them.

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