Steps to Put Audio & Video on Your Web Page

At once, to put Audio & Video & Video on your web pages you would either have to put up software package or join a membership club per month. All the pros had Audio & Video and they refer to it in advertising as an “Attention Capturing”. Now we can all have Audio & Video very inexpensively with the click of some buttons. First off you will need a program to convert your Audio & Video into an MP3 file. If you possess the gift of gab you may well be able to rattle off your script off the top of the head and if you have that ability more power to you. If you’re like me, you will need to write a script beforehand. I find it much easier to do that but you need to make sure you:

1.) read slowly

2.) talk naturally in a conversational tone

Basically, ensure sound like you is reading and you want to sound friendly and knowledgeable. Having said that, let’s begin.

Step 1 – Record/Create Audio & Video:

In most cases you will end up recording your Audio & Video for the first time. Some people use other people’s Audio & Video files which come in .MP3 or .WAV format and they simply upload them to the Audio & Video software. They’ll have various options for recording including the Sample Rate(Hz), Channels (Mono or Stereo), and Bit Rate (kbs). When in doubt, use the defaults. With your script in hand or on in a separate window, press the record button and do it.

Step 2 – Add a Background Loop :

Adding an Audio & Video background loop to your vocal message serves two purposes:

1.) It makes your message sound professional

2.) It covers up imperfections that might have occurred during your voice message

These kind of Audio & Video techniques have been used for years by professionals and have only just been made available to the general populace. Some Audio & Video programs come pre-loaded with sound files you can select from. Others allow you to import your own if you want and dub your voice message on top. You can fade in your loop and fade it out and set how much seconds you would prefer this to take place.

Step 3 – Select Player Style :

Next you will need to select your player style. By player style, I mean the Audio & Video playback buttons that will appear on your web page. Sometimes they are square and sometimes round. Either way they look like the play buttons on your electronic devices with a right arrow as your play button, two parallel lines as the pause button, and a square as the stop button. Many come with the colour chart or a box to enter the hexadecimal colour code to fit your webpage.

Step 4 – Set Player Options :

Here you will decide if you want your player to start automatically when someone clicks on the page. When used for advertising purposes, most people opt to start it automatically. However, some people find it intrusive so if your point is to educate and get out information you may want to let people decide for themselves. Secondly, you will need to decide if you would like to send your listener to another page when the Audio & Video is complete. Again, this depends on the purpose and placement of the player. Nonetheless, you ought to have a place to enter a URL to send your listener to should you elect to do this.

Step 5 – Preview Audio & Video Player :

You will want to see and hear what your player will look like by itself prior to placing it on your web page. Have your earphones ready and try out the play, pause, and stop button. If you used a background loop, ensure the music doesn’t drown out the Audio & Video. You can adjust and mix levels on both tracks for the optimal sound. Some Audio & Video generator software enables you to mix for surround sound if that is of interest to you.

Step 6 – Generate Audio & Video Player :

Next, you will want to name and save your Audio & Video player. For organizational purposes you probably will want to set up a folder beforehand specifically for Audio & Video generators so you’ll know finding them. The software will create a flash player file and an HTML file. All the files should be kept in th same folder or subfolder. This makes it easier (if not functional) when you upload this data to your web page. It can save you your Audio & Video player to different locations, with different project names just if you happen to would like to use your Audio & Video player on different web pages.

Step 7 – Upload Your Audio & Video Player Code :

The final step is to take the HTML code generated by your Audio & Video software and copy it into you is your webpage source code. The tricky part here is to ensure the files you created earlier are accessible by the code you copy. In your web space, ensure you have a specific subfolder or subdirectory for your Audio & Video files. You will need to ensure that the code on your webpage points to your Audio & Video folder or subdirecty in your web space for it to work properly.

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