Silicon Implant for Buttocks Augmentation

Another method that is used to augment the gluteal area is by fat injection or fat grafting. This is ideally performed for patients who have hesitation in having a foreign material (buttock implant) in their body; or those who have unsightly or unwanted fat deposits at the abdomen, thighs, or arms requiring liposuction. The fat is initially harvested by gentle liposuction technique and then processed into pure form. The pure fat is then injected to the gluteal muscle through a very small port-like incision. For better fat survival, and to minimize fat resorption by the body, the harvested fat is transplanted or injected to the gluteal muscle. This improved fat survival is due to the improved blood supply to the fat cells when injected into the muscle via fat grafting .


Individuals planning to undergo  buttocks augmentation  are prepared prior to the scheduled surgery. For two to three weeks prior to to the procedure, patients are advised to avoid smoking; alcoholic beverages; steroids; NSAID, or pain medications like mefenamic acid and naproxen; herbal tea and herbal medications; vitamin E; blood-thinning medications like aspirin, heparin, and coumadin; regulated drugs like Valium; prohibited drugs like methamphetamines; diet pills; and oral contraceptive pills. These medications and social activities may delay healing, or they can prolong bleeding and interact with the medications used during surgery. Patients are advised to discuss this further with their surgeon to minimize possible risks and complications.


Possible risks and complications include:

Unfavorable scarring

Bleeding (hematoma)


Fluid accumulation

Poor wound healing

Skin loss

Blood clots

Numbness or other changes in skin sensation

Anesthesia risks

Skin discoloration and/or prolonged swelling

Major wound separation


Pain, which may persist

Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications

Nerve damage

Possibility of revision surgery

Sub-optimal aesthetic result


To know more about your buttocks augmentation procedure , it would be best to consult your surgeon, so that you may know all your options.


For more information buttocks or butt augmentation, fat grafting or fat injection for butt augmentation, brazilian butt lift, buttocks implant, gluteal augmentation and enhancement, butt enlargement procedure you may visit or


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