Three ways to have a thin lean body
Your weight is important!
It’s not only important because you will look nice or fit inside your last year’s jeans, it’s important because you are going to help your body too into getting more energy an fighting off bad diseases more efficiently.
Here is the thing when you are fat: your body will become weak!
We are not designed to be fat all the time, back in the past, food wasn’t available all the time, in fact, and humans faced more famines than years of plenty!
We were built to store fat very quickly and to use it when we get into some rough times.
That’s what made us survive these bad moments in our history.
This is also proved to be a fatal thing to us too.
When we get too fat, we tend to lost energy and become physically very weak.
Here are the best three ways to have thin and lean body all the time:
The first way is to eat more good stuff.
By good stuff, I mean vegetable, plants, whole grains and healthy drinks.
These are the only things that will make you get a lot of energy and also stay healthy and thin all the time.
You have to think that when you don’t eat something healthy like vegetables or green tea, you will defiantly replace it and eat something unhealthy like chips or soda!
That’s terrible because such things are loaded with fat and sugar which will make you fatter.
The next thing to do is to eat less unhealthy stuff.
We are all humans and we all have wishes and cravings!
It’s ok to eat that chips from time to time, but eating it every single day or even three or two times a day can be very dangerous.
Again, the same issue is with meats!
Have a look at your mouth; can you describe your teeth?
Do they look like those of a dog?
Absolutely not!
You are not a carnivorous animal and you were never designed to eat meat every single day.
You need to think of meat as a delicacy, a food you will enjoy once a month or even once a year.
Have you ever asked yourself why Asians and African people are so thin?
It’s because they don’t have access to a lot of meat, it’s very expensive to most families there.
It should be the case for you too; you have to avoid it in your diet.
And stop thinking that you will not get enough proteins because you need to replace meat with not chicken or fish but with beans and legumes, they have the best proteins and are loaded with other essential minerals and vitamins.
The third thing you must do is to eat a lot of garlic.
Garlic is essential to your health because it will fight off germs and bad bacteria and it’s also going to prevent you from gaining weight.
Here is the thing: when you eat garlic a lot, it will prevent you from storing more fat into your body; this is great because it will stop you from gaining weight.
Try to read the following posts: Kyolic garlic supplements Allimax