The Special Features of the Cowhide Rugs

Today the days of old fashioned rugs and carpets are out and the new trend is for the cowhide rugs that is available in plenty in most supermarkets, stores located both geographically and online. The reason for the increase in interest in these rugs is because it is made out of animal skin that would otherwise have been discarded as waste. If you are also planning to buy a cowhide rug for your living rooms or any other room, it would be a good idea to check out the dos and don’ts before doing so. Most of these specifications are listed out on the Internet on various sites but knowing more about them from those who have bought it earlier would be wise too.

There are a number of factors that need to be understood and considered before making a purchase of a cowhide rug. Firstly you need to know the origin of the animal and its breed so that you can ensure the quality of the hide. Secondly are the other factors of size, area, and the location where you want to spread your cowhide rug. You need to match the rug with the décor of the room. By ensuring these factors you can be sure that the rug you have bought is perfect for the house. And finally the most important factor is the method of tanning done on the hide as this is of vital importance. Naturally tanned rugs are better than the chemically tanned variety.

Today the popularity and the interest in the cowhide rugs have escalated to a great extent that even modern day fashionable and stylish interior decorators are using it as part of their designs. Since the cowhide rugs are highly flexible and adaptable to adjust to any printing process, design pattern and color dyeing the rugs are usually dyed and printed with all kinds of animal prints and different earthly colors. The popular printed rugs include the Zebra stripes, the tiger prints and the leopard spots. But the animals in this process of printing are in no way harmed or endangered.

Because of such versatile qualities of the cowhide rug, it has gained a position that can put the most expensive designer carpets to shame. The cowhide rug can also be used as a wall hanging to decorate the walls of any room and accentuate its décor.

The earthly colors of black, brown and green and the animal prints combine well together to recreate the feel of the wild outdoors in the interiors of your home. A rug once bought lasts for many years and this durability is another of its factors that have proved to be an advantage in favor of buying the rug. To ensure the durability the cowhide rug must be well maintained even if it requires minimum maintenance. The cowhide rugs not only add to the beauty and elegance of the room but also help to maintain the warmth of the flooring on which it is spread giving you the warm comfort under your feet.


The author has a business where he is having a natural or exotic animal print Natural Cowhide Rugs to suit every decor & budget, and matching decorator pillows too.

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