A Strategic Business Social Network for Inspiring the Team

Social Networking has always existed between your business and the various partners, suppliers, vendors and customers. Close and positive collaborations in your business network have resulted in successful achievements. Collaboration is a word that conveys a strong message and renders phenomenal yields. An internal collaboration amongst the people, processes and technology in business is also critical to ensure favorable returns. This collaboration can be further enhanced by initiating a business social networking environment.

Every project in your business is handled by a team and it is natural that they will encounter many challenges in the process. Resolving the issues quickly are a priority so that your projects are not stalled leading to poor results. Thus it is a necessity to ensure that all the members in the team are on the same page and can collectively take the right decisions. Communication amongst the members is extremely essential and although emails are fast and quick it is not a practical method as important threads may be lost, misplaced or deleted. You also need to be aware of the status of the project to make an estimate that the projects will be completed within the set deadlines.

This is where the  social business software  provides you with unlimited opportunities to make some landmark achievements. Microblogs related to ongoing projects can be created and individuals can post comments and suggestions on how to resolve the issues. Any latest updates are immediately relayed to all involved in the project either through emails or SMS alerts on any laptop or Smartphone. This real-time information helps you to find breakthroughs easily and quickly without wasting any time. The discussions can be viewed by all including the new members for reference and thus there is no requirement for wasting time on trainings.

You can even attach documents, links, audio and video files related to specific projects. The software provides you access to documents to check on the documents that have been downloaded and by whom. Multiple versions of the same conversation are eliminated and everybody is provided a single conversation. You can choose to communicate in private or public with your team members by leaving them notes either ways. The  business social networking  software is equipped with a robust and secure infrastructure that provides a private social network for access to only authorized teams.

It also provides each group a library for storing documents and easy modules for allocating tasks to team members and monitoring their performances. All the information is effectively preserved for the team’s benefit. The software also provides individuals to highlight their achievements and capabilities by creating personal profiles. This helps HR in judging the competency of each individual and selecting them appropriately for assignments. The social business software promotes  online team collaboration and you will soon notice the positive transformations and healthy returns in your business.

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