Microsoft 70-542 study guide

Getting certified is certainly a need of the hour. You can expect dynamic changes in your career once you will be successful in the 70-542 exam. Here, at Test4actual, we are aiming at preparing you for your success in the exam at your first shot. This 70-542  brain dumps practice exam is fully equipped with all resources you need to pass your exam in the first attempt.

Pass Microsoft 70-542 exam is easy. Professionals interviewed noted chiefly the use of 70-542  study materials and practice exams. Therefore to pass an examination you need to have some 70-542 exam notes, Microsoft 70-542 study guide, which will help you, pass your certification. This kind of help is provided by 70-542 , this site is fully equipped with 70-542 exam review, 70-542 practice papers, 70-542 braindumps, 70-542 study guide, 70-542 exam answers, 70-542 practice test and many more preparation tools or exam resources making it easier for a candidate to pass 70-542 exam.

Test4actual provide you with high-quality 70-542 exam questions and study materials to help you learn more about the examination of information, learning more knowledge of the entire examination, complete your dream of entering the IT Dream! Let you become a person with future!

Exam 70-542: TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 – Application Development
Targeting Content Based on Audience Membership
Create an audience.
Specify conditions for audience membership by using rules.
Target a list item to an audience.
Target a Web Part to an audience by using filters.
Display all audiences to which a user belongs.
Display all users in a given audience.

Your organization has a Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 server. The server hosts a form tem plate named Template A . You create a new version of the form named Templates. You need to create an automated administration task that ensures that the sites use Template B instead of TemplateA.
What should you do?
A. Call the Activate method of the FormTemplateCollection object for the server farm.
B. Call the Quiesce method of the FormTemplate object for each Web site in the site collection.
C. Call the Update method of the FormTemplate object for each Web site in the site collection.
D. Call the UpgradeFormTemplate method of the FormTemplateCollection object for the server
Answer: B

You create a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 site. The site contains a form library. A
Microsoft Office InfoPath form from the form library must be converted to a Web page by using an
existing InfoPath form converter. When you select the existing form converter, you receive a
conversion error. You need to ensure that the document is converted without errors. What should
you do?
A. Add a We b page that uses the XmlFormView control.
B. Publish the form to the form library by using an administrator account.
C. Modify the conversion schedule for the converter.
D. Use a Universal Data Connection (UDC) between the InfoPath form and the SharePoint site.
Answer: D

Prepare for the Microsoft 70-542 exam with our 70-542 Exam Resources and, you can be rest assured that you will be fully prepared to take on your 70-542 Exam. Our Exams are written and formatted by Top senior IT Professionals working in today??s prospering companies and data centers. All of our practice exams including the 70-542 exam will prepare you for success. 70-542 is a challenging exam, with our Test4actual 70-542 study guide, you can feel safe with our question and answers that will help you in obtaining your successful completion of your 70-542 exam.

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