Two Fundamentals for Long Term Strength Training Gains

A proper muscle building and weight gain workout routine is the first key to achieving the results you want in the shortest amount of time. You will quickly discover however that the routine itself is only part of the puzzle as simply lifting some weights once in a while won’t get you there.

If you want to see real results in a short amount of time then you have to commit to a fitness weight training program designed to achieve massive muscle growth.

Once your program has all the right components needed for you to be successful, it’s then up to you to put everything into action and begin producing the muscle building results your looking for.

With that said, there are 2 basic principles your weight training program must include if you want to be successful at quickly achieving your goals.

1. Maximum Intensity for Maximum Results

High intensity training is a short but very intense workout. This type of training requires you to workout 1 to 3 times a week with full body single set routines performing 8 to 12 reps each set. The idea behind high intensity training is to produce an increase in your strength so the next time you perform your workout you will be able to perform more reps with the same weight or the same number of reps with heavier weights.

2. Periodization

It is very important that you balance your routine so that you develop strength in all of your muscles while bulking up the larger muscle groups. The intense workouts described above should be performed on a one week on, three weeks off basis. The other three weeks should focus on standard strength training with less weight and more sets of reps for a more balanced strength training to keep up with the increasing muscle mass.

Supplementation and proper nutrition are of course another needed component. Combined with these two basic principles and a commitment to succeed you will see the results you want in no time.

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