Some basic sources to find the best mortgage loan

It is really a big decision to take out a home mortgage loan to own your dream home. Through careful shopping for a mortgage, you can definitely save some money. Even 0.25% difference in interest rate opens up chance to save thousand of dollars over the life span of the loan.


Mortgage loans are offered by banks, mortgage bankers, credit unions etc. Mortgage terms offered by these institutions vary a lot. Before finalizing on any mortgage deal, it is advisable that you should make a comparative analysis on the mortgage rates offered by at least a half-dozen lenders.


Prior to making the comparison, you should decide on the type of loan, whether it’s an adjustable rate or fixed rate or hybrid. Once you have decided on the type of loan, it becomes easy to make apples to apples comparison. Here we briefly describe about some avenues to find out a mortgage deal


Friends & relatives


Non-institutional sources of money­–parents, relatives, and friends–are widely used for purchasing a home.


Newspaper advertisements


The real estate section of the local newspaper publishes the mortgage rates and fees on a regular basis. If you go through the newspaper on a regular basis, you can come to know about the mortgage rate trends.


Online mortgage sites


Another major source where you can find information on mortgage deals is online search. Through online search, you get information on mortgage lenders along with the rates.


Mortgage broker


As a prospective homeowner, you can take the help of a mortgage broker. A broker has close connection with numerous lenders and can easily find the best deal for you.


Local bank


You can approach your bank in case it sells mortgage loans. Since you are an account holder, you may get discount too.


Credit union


If you are a member of a non-profit credit union, you can enquire about its mortgage offerings.


These are the basic sources where from you can shop for mortgage loans.

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