Automated Language Translation Software for the Enterprises

As enterprises grow and expand, there is the need for effective translation services. This is because, for any enterprise to succeed, it needs the wholehearted support of the customers. Customers would engage in brand advocacy if and only if they are happy with their experiences of a particular brand or enterprise.

With more than 6500 languages spoken in the world, global enterprises have a tough job at hand to provide trusted, rapid translations to expand their businesses. A global enterprise deals with huge chunks of content every day. And it is their responsibility to make the content available to its multilingual audience comprising of customers and employees in a format that can be easily read and understood.

Moreover, enterprises need to deal with colloquialism, idioms, slang, and jargon as what is acceptable in one language might not be acceptable in another language. For instance, take the case of certain product names that have to be marketed differently because of the lexical differences among languages. Calpis, a popular drink in Japan is marketed in North America, as Calpico as the word Calpis sounds a lot like ‘cow piss’. In the same way, Irish Mist is not marketed in Germany because in German language, it means excrement. Since Mexicans are unable to pronounce the RC consonant cluster, RC Cola is called as ARCI Cola in Mexico.

For any enterprise, translation services are of paramount importance, as successful translation of content helps them in global expansion. With cost and speed being two of the primary concerns of enterprise translation projects, enterprises need automated language translation software that provides bilingual speakers with contextual translations of words and phrases rather than simpler, sentence-based translation systems. This lowers the cost of localization by as much as 50% while doubling the speed of translation. The translation software provides

* Terminology management functionality which maintains messaging consistency and accuracy

* Machine translation that can be used as a springboard for human polishing

* Translation memory which facilitates content recycling through successive projects

* The project management dashboard and real-time reporting that simplify team coordination

Hence, those enterprises looking to expand their market globally must invest in language translation software.

Related Links : Language translation network

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