Investing Time in Your Childcare Provider

A recent conversation with a friend brought to light a common concern I have heard from people considering hosting an au pair: “it’s a lot of work!” and that’s why many people hesitate to host an au pair. This particular friend is beginning her search for her first childcare provider and has some reservations about the time investment she thinks she’ll have to put in over the course of the year. To her, childcare should be easy – working on a relationship with her child’s caregiver? Who also lives with them? Just too difficult.
As someone who has been there – who is there – I was able to offer her quite a different perspective. Cultivating and enjoying the relationship with au pair of AuPairCare has been a huge plus for us in this process. Having our childcare provider in our home and the opportunity to get to know her has been both a comfort and a benefit. Comforting to know what she is ‘really’ like. To be able to get to know her friends and her likes and dislikes gives us a great peace when we walk out the door each day. We know what she is about, and what our kids’ day will look like. It also creates a seamless transition for our kids that we could not have with any other type of childcare. Mia is such an integral part of our lives that the morning instructions have become minimal. She already knows if someone isn’t feeling well or if the schedule for the day had to be changed since she is right here in our home.
There are also all of the benefits of having her language and culture here. My kids are learning about Brazil and picking up a few words, but they are also learning about the world and what it is like to live with someone new. We have been lucky, we have had very few (okay, zero) conflicts, but if they happened it would be okay. Everything in life is a learning experience, and that would be just one more.
The perspective I offered my friend in this conversation gave her some new food for thought. Maybe the “work” she had been dreading is really the building of a lifelong relationship with her daughter’s childcare provider. As far as I’m concerned, the investment is more than worth it. Thus, it is important to know about au pairs in a detailed manner from AuPairCare agency before you make your mind to have one for you.!/aupaircare will help you to hire best au pair of AuPairCare agency.

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