Does the Newborn Baby Have Good Vision

Many parents believe that newborns could not see anything, which is not correct. Within the first few days that the child was born, most of the time their eyes are closed, but it does not mean he does not have vision. In fact, the child was born after have a vision, just newborn has very poor eyesight. Newborn baby has light perception, which is manifested as the reaction of closing eyes under light stimulation. Moreover, they have reaction on the changes of light; when the light shines on the eyes, their pupil will appear smaller, which also is called the light reaction.


During the neonatal period, they can only see objects within 60 cm in front of them, and the most appropriate distance is 20 cm. if you moving red wool ball in front of the child about 20 cm, you will find that his eyes follow the red line moving the ball for some distance. However, the newborn’s eyeball is small, and with short anteroposterior diameter of the eye, causing physiological hyperopia, but with the future development, it will gradually develop to envisage, and the vision will gradually be improved.


Moreover, the vision is one of the most important organs in the human sense organs, and the vision is increasingly developing under the stimulation of the external environment, and people is the baby is mainly through vision to constantly be aware of the outside world. According to research, 85% of the human brain from the external environment accepts input from the eyes; it can be seen that the vision is a feeling in the children’s mental development. Through vision, children can understand the world around them, and know the attributes, qualities and characteristics of objects, thus vision is essential for children’s brain development and intellectual development.


Therefore, parents should pay attention to the child’s visual development, and protect the eyesight of children. To do this, it must be started in everyday life, so parents should provide appropriate light environment to the child, so that allow the child’s eyes have the opportunity of fully relax, and at the same time to ensure that the child’s nutrition, and pay attention to eye health, in addition to regular good eye vision care, you should regularly take your children to go to children’s health sector to check visual acuity and visual function of development situation. When you identify some problems, the children must accept timely correction.


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