More About the Author "Toryyang"

Author Nick: Toryyang
Name: Toryyang Toryyang
About the Author: My name is Toryyang.

Articles by Toryyang :

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How Can Poverty and Failure Form Easily

Sometimes, character is related to your ability to work, working conditions and the ability to earn money, and a large number studies have shown that, at least twelve kinds of personality easily lead to poverty and failure. Do you have these characters?   First, it is contentment. As long as there is food and clothes, […]

The Approaches Can Solve the Bad Mood in Life

Sometime, you are misunderstood by others; you do not want to argue, so you choose silence. It was not that all the people have to understand you, so you do not need to talk to the whole world. But sometimes, you are misunderstood by your favorite one, you are so sad to argue, but only […]

How Can We Maintain Happy Every Day in the Modern Day

Are you satisfied with your own life now? Many people often feel unhappy; it seems that they are born with a melancholy nature. However, as healthy human, we can throw this garbage away. Your unhappiness usually gives yourself too much negative hint. If you timely change your lifestyle and ways of thinking, you will soon […]

How Can Children Avoid Colds in the Fall

It is the time for children to receive influenza vaccination; experts suggest that high-risk groups such as children and the elderly are the best to accept the inoculation. So, why the children are easy to suffer from colds? The experts introduce that many children will get colds, or fever, and even turn into pneumonia in […]

Which Fruits Are Most Suitable for Us to Eat in the Fall

The weather in the fall is dry, which often makes people feel nasal and throat dry and discomfort. At this time, if you eat some fruits which can nourish the throat and resist thirst, it can make you feel fresh and comfortable.   In this season, for the fruits with a medical care nature, pears […]