How Can Children Avoid Colds in the Fall

It is the time for children to receive influenza vaccination; experts suggest that high-risk groups such as children and the elderly are the best to accept the inoculation. So, why the children are easy to suffer from colds? The experts introduce that many children will get colds, or fever, and even turn into pneumonia in case of changes in the weather, and they even repeatedly attack, which all have reasons.


From external causes, including poor indoor ventilation, the relatively lack of oxygen; Indoor overheating and dry results in the decline in children with respiratory tract mucosal defense function; when there is large temperature difference between the day and night, children’s clothes are not adjusted well, and lack of outdoor activities; when children sleep, the indoor air forms convection, especially the head, feet get cold; in addition, they drink a lot of beverages, or eat more chocolate, sugar, meat and other. And internal factors are mainly because of immune dysfunction causing repeated infections, which in turn are divided into congenital and acquired immunodeficiency. Congenital immune deficiency refers to the susceptibility to pathogens is increased and appears recurring severe infections, so children should be early detected of the immune function. However, the acquired immune dysfunction due to various reasons after birth, leading to weakened immunity, so susceptibility is increased.


The doctors suggested that if your baby at home appears such situation, you should first check whether your baby lacks of calcium. If the baby is fed improperly, or intake excessive calories, or supply inappropriate supplementary food, and fewer outdoor activities, and not sufficient indoor light and so on, which may cause a calcium deficiency and even rickets, and rickets often coexist with pneumonia. If you baby lacks of calcium, you should let them eat more calcium-rich food, such as soy products, fish, shrimp, seaweed, soup bones, and melons and so on; if it is necessary, you can give your baby to take calcium supplements or cod liver oil. In addition, parents should bring your child to do some outdoor activities.


Second, you need to check whether your baby lacks of zinc, zinc deficiency often causes anorexia, leading to inadequate nutritional intake. So you should let your child develop good eating habits, and eat more zinc-rich foods, such as lean meat, animal liver and so on. In addition, you also need to check whether your baby is iron deficiency, iron deficiency will cause anemia, which easily make children suffer from acute and chronic infections.


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