What Can Old People Do to Prevent Stroke

Older people are most likely to induce a stroke. So in the normal life, they should think of ways to pay more attention to geriatric care, which is very necessary. Many elderly people may not know variety of healthy knowledge, which requires they usually do more accumulation. Now let us have a look at that what kinds of actions can prevent stroke.


The first action is to turn your head with law. Experts from the fact that painter who rarely appear stroke analyze that this is related to the work characteristics of wagging their head. Head rotating around can increase the resistance to pressure of the blood vessels, which can prevent stroke. The practice is that you first sit and relax your neck muscles, and then wag your head all around, each direction for 30 to 50 times, and the speed should be slow, and you should do this three times every morning and evening. And the patients with hypotension should lie on the back to do this action.


The second action is to massage your neck skillfully by hands. The experts said that neck massage can promote the neck vascular smooth muscle relaxation, and reduce cholesterol deposits, as well as promote the hardening neck to restore the elasticity of blood vessels, and improve the blood supply to the brain, to prevent the stroke onset. The practical action is that after your hands rub and generate heat, use your hands to massage the left and right side of the neck, with the slightly faster speed, and making the skin red is appropriate.


Third, the action is to do grip hands. The study found that cerebral hemorrhage is closely related to the habits and exercise ways of patients. And the right brain blood vessel wall of the people who lack of exercise is extremely fragile and prone to rupture, so patients should more move left hands. The practical action is that patients should grip their hands and then release for many times.


The fourth action is to shrug in the morning and evening. The experts said that to shrug shoulder can relax the shoulder nerves, blood vessels and muscle, to promote blood circulation, and provide artificial driving force for the carotid artery blood flow to the brain. So the practical action is that you should do the action that lift the shoulder and out down the shoulder every morning and evening, and each time should be eight minutes.


In the face of the above mentioned action, old people should have a try, which is good for their health.


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