More About the Author "Maria Bantellis"

Author Nick: Maria Bantellis
Name: Maria Bantellis
About the Author: Maria Bantellis is a medical student and Thrush researcher.

Articles by Maria Bantellis :

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Athlete’s Foot: What It Is & How To Avoid It

The human body contains fungi and bacteria; both good and bad. These organisms are also present on the feet where troublesome fungal infections can occur due the warm, dark habitat. Whilst generally harmless, some conditions can cause fungi to multiply leading to a fungal infection such as athlete’s foot. What are Fungi? Fungi are microorganisms […]

Zoonotic Disease: Ringworm and Humans

Zoonotic Diseases Rabies, ringworm and lyme disease make up a small collection of the zoonotic diseases that can be passed from animal to human. In this article, we’ll look specifically at ringworm; how it is spread, what it looks like and how it can be treated. What is Ringworm? The common name, ringworm, is somewhat […]

Yeast Infections, Candida & Thrush – What’s the difference?

What are they? The term thrush is widely used in the UK to describe various infections caused by a form of fungi, Candida albicans, which is naturally produced by the human body and thus where the terms Candida or Candidiasis originate. In the US, thrush is generally referred to as a yeast infection. However, each […]

What is thrush and which treatment may be best for you?

What is thrush? Commonly caused by the fungi Candida albicans, thrush is an infection that can occur in both men and women most commonly on the skin, inside the mouth and around the genitals – anywhere that is warm and moist. However, thrush is an easily treatable condition. What causes it? Usually harmless, the Candida […]

Cystitis: What Is It And How Do I Avoid It?

What is Cystitis? Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder caused by an infection or irritation. Commonly caused by a lower urinary tract infection (UTI), cystitis usually only affects your bladder, however, if the infection escalates it can result in an upper urinary tract infection in the ureters or kidneys, which can be much more […]