More About the Author "Maria Bantellis"

Author Nick: Maria Bantellis
Name: Maria Bantellis
About the Author: Maria Bantellis is a medical student and Thrush researcher.

Articles by Maria Bantellis :

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I’m No Sportsman – So Why Do I Have Athlete’s Foot?

Where It All Begins On every human, there are bacteria and fungi present on the skin of the foot; most of which are harmless. In some conditions however, these organisms can multiply causing an infection, such as Athlete’s Foot. Otherwise known as a fungal infection. Well, why is it called Athlete’s foot? One of the […]

Symptoms of Cystitis: What are they?

Commonly caused by a lower urinary tract infection (UTI), cystitis is an infection or inflammation of the bladder. Usually affecting onlythe bladder, the symptoms of cystitis can escalate from minimal, i.e. lower UTI, to considerably uncomfortable, and even painful, i.e.upper UTI, where it reaches the ureters or kidneys, and is much more serious. Approximately4 out […]

What It Is, How To Avoid It And Treating Athlete’s Foot

What Causes Athlete’s Foot? Fungi are organisms that survive by feeding off broken-down tissue, including that of humans. In the case of Athlete’s Foot, it is caused by a particular group of fungi called dermatophytes. Your feet provide the ideal living conditions for these fungi to live and grow; warm, dark and humid – thus […]

The Symptoms of Thrush And What It Is

First things first – what is thrush? The fungi Candida albicans is the common cause of thrush. An infection that occurs in warm, moist areas of the body, it is most typically seen on the skin, inside the mouth and around the genitals. As daunting as this may sound, thrush is an easily treatable condition. […]

Athlete’s Foot Symptoms And The Low Down On Why It Happens

Often beginning as a rash, Athlete’s Foot usually appears in the spaces between your fourth and fifth toes, which can – if left untreated – spread to the bottom sides of your feet and around the toenails. Athlete’s foot symptoms include dry, flaky, scaly and cracked skin, blisters, swelling and a burning or stinging sensation, […]