More About the Author "Maria Bantellis"

Author Nick: Maria Bantellis
Name: Maria Bantellis
About the Author: Maria Bantellis is a medical student and Thrush researcher.

Articles by Maria Bantellis :

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Thrush Symptoms, Causes & Advice

Thrush can occur at any time, in many forms and with varying symptoms…. sounds complicated, huh? Well it’s not – thrush is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is consider the thrush symptoms you’re experiencing, where you’re experiencing them and in some cases, why. Thrush can occur in men and women, often in warm, […]

Cystitis Symptoms: What are they and how do I stop them?

What is Cystitis? Cystitis, also known as a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) occurs within the bladder, most commonly in women, but can occur in men and children too. Cystitis in men and children however is much rarer and medical attention should be sought in those instances. It is caused by an infection or irritation that […]

Fungal Infections: Thrush Treatment

The fungi Candida albicans is the common cause of thrush; an infection that can occur in both men and women most commonly on the skin, and around the genitals – anywhere that is warm and moist. In each case, a thrush treatment is available. What causes thrush? Usually harmless, the Candida albicans fungi go unnoticed, […]

Ringworm Symptoms & Treatment Guide

What is Ringworm? The common name, ringworm, is somewhat misleading since the disease itself is not caused by a worm, but rather by one of several types of fungi. Medically referred to as dermatophytosis, it is a fungal infection of the skin. Typical ringworm symptoms are a single – or several – ‘ring’ like, red […]

Athlete’s Foot Symptoms, Advice and more…

Why ‘Athlete’s’foot? Athlete’s foot symptoms can often be misdiagnosed due to the common misperception that it is only an athlete who can suffer from it. The fungus that causes the infection can be found in areas where athletes often reside; swimming pools, public showers, and locker rooms. People walk barefoot on these surfaces transferring the […]